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Learning about Employer Based Insurance Plan

Posted On : Jun-14-2010 | seen (485) times | Article Word Count : 381 |

Check out this article to learn more about health insurance
Many are afraid of what is coming down the pike in the area of health insurance coverage. While many are hopeful that a Nationalized Health Insurance plan will be the answer to their prayers many others fear that employer based health care options will become a thing of the past.

It is easy to see why many Americans fear that this might happen. Overall they are happy with their employer based health insurance coverage. Sure they may wish that they were paying a little less out of pocket or that they had a little bit better coverage, most choose their job based on the benefits that go along with being employed by that specific company.

Well, believe it or not many employers don't want to get rid of this benefit. As a matter of fact helping their employees pay their health insurance premiums does provide the company with many benefits as well. Most companies require that at least the employed take their insurance coverage for health, life and accidental death and dismemberment. Some companies even cover their employees for free. Basically in the long run providing their employees with benefits packages holds down their expenses in claims against the company made by those who don't have any insurance.

There are other benefits that employers get from offering health insurance plans for their company. They actually get healthier employees who miss less work and get sick less often. In addition to these benefits they also get more employees who stay with the company for the long term and that are extremely loyal to the company because of the benefits they offer. Employees don't want to take a chance on leaving a company with a good benefits package.

Overall, the companies that will be less likely to keep employer based health insurance coverage are those companies with less than 50 employees because these are the companies that are paying a lot for their employees health insurance benefits. Companies that have more than 50 employees working for them are very likely to keep their employer based health insurance in effect for many years to come. After all they are reaping many benefits from offering insurance to their employees that they won't want to sacrifice just to save a few dollars.

Article Source : about Employer Based Insurance Plan_22096.aspx

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Keywords : health, health insurance, health insurance quotes, Go Health, medical insurance, plans, policies, money, budget,

Category : Finance : Insurance

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