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Latest Trends for Investing in Real Estate

Posted On : Apr-06-2011 | seen (455) times | Article Word Count : 463 |

The article discusses the latest real estate trends in the US real estate market and the implications of these trends for real estate investors.
I once chanced upon an article that went something like this:

“Dear Abbie, I am a real estate investor, and I want to ask the latest trends to watch out for. I really need your help on this, because I don’t know what to do next. –Sue

Sue must be a bit desperate when she wrote this, but for all we know, she might be one of those real estate investors who are smart enough to know how valuable information is in making a decision on where to invest their hard-earned money. Nothing spells D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R better than plunging into something you are not prepared for, much less uninformed about.

One good way to prepare is to read about real estate trends so you’ll have an idea where to start. Trends come and go, and heck, they might even be ludicrous sometimes. But it helps to pay attention to those who keep appearing countless times. Some of these trends include the following:

Trend One: Urban home buyers will sacrifice their money for comfort.

Let’s face it, gas prices are not going to go down dramatically anytime soon, and people need to go to work every day. This is the reason why many of these buyers are willing to sacrifice spending more on per-square-foot price property in exchange of being near their office, malls, and other establishments. Practicality is the key here.

Trend Two: Big will not be in.

Mansions will lose a lot of appeal to baby boomers and even first-time buyers. Much younger generation who were born between 1977 to1994 will prefer walk-able neighborhoods where everything is easily accessible.

Trend Three: Urban cities will feature more modern designs in their real estate.

“Simple but elegant” will appeal much better, especially to the young. Expect more cool, earth-tone colors such as green, beige, gray, tan, and blue. Yellows, reds, and oranges are on their way out. Also, environmental technology, such as green homes, solar energy, and eco-friendly products will be an “in thing” to many urban homes.

Trend Three: Real estate investors will have a field day

Due to many foreclosures, banks will now prioritize a quick sale to discard the property than haggle for the best prices. And if you offer your payment in cash rather than in credit, then the banks will open their doors to you—with arms wide open.

There are many other trends in the real estate market today. Pay attention to them, but take them with a grain of salt as well. There are many other factors to consider, and possible trends are just one of them. In the end, it will be up to you to decide whether a property is worth your investment or not.

Article Source : Trends for Investing in Real Estate_58299.aspx

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