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Know About The Rise of Mobility Scooters

Posted On : Dec-20-2011 | seen (202) times | Article Word Count : 503 |

Disability as a factor is very negative, as, it affects the individuals mind directly than the body. Well, it affects the mind much more than affecting he body.
Disability as a factor is very negative, as, it affects the individuals mind directly than the body. Well, it affects the mind much more than affecting he body. Unfortunate situations like disability can occur to anyone, but the only fact is, that, one should be ready to either face it at the time it occurs or be prepared for such unfortunate situation before hand, as it would just appear without any indication. Disability can either leave an individual fixed to the bed for months or for years. Some disabilities are for lifetime, which would affect the lifestyle of that particular individual, as well as, that of the family members dealing with the situation along with the disabled individual.

To provide them some peace of mind and the feeling of not being dependant on anyone, the family members should try and take that extra step of buying them a mobility scooter. The fact of not being able to enjoy all those small joys with family and friends can make an individual not interested to be alive, and to bring back the zest in that individual they need to be made to feel the independence factor, which will motivate them to start living their life again. A mobility scooter is that medium that would bring back the zest within a disabled individual to live life again.

Companies develop mobility scooters on the basis that it should fit the need of the individuals suffering from disability and old aged weakness. These scooters need to be electrically charged so that they can be easily maneuvered. Initially three-wheeler mobility scooters were invented, which were very simple in design but on the upper side they were short which proved difficult to be handled in certain areas, and on the lower end it was unstable, proving dangerous on uneven terrain, which did not benefit the needy much. After studying the disadvantages of the three-wheeler scooters, four-wheeler scooters were invented, which addressed many of the instability issues which were discovered on the three-wheeler scooters. Well, it did not take long to discover the disadvantages of this scooter as well, as it had restricted leg space and even bad body posture, which proved harmful for the rider due to the uncomfortable layout of the vehicle, proving dangerous to the old aged individuals especially.

The size of the vehicles was increased thinking it would prove beneficial to the rider, instead it turned disastrous, as increased length of the vehicle inherent in all the four wheelers, which gave way to poor turning circle, poor weight distribution and made the handling of the vehicle very difficult and discomforting, which is definitely is not acceptable by the disabled individuals as it would not offer movement at peace. Later came the phase of five-wheeler scooters, which was created with advanced technology, proving propitious to the individuals riding on them. This particular scooter was created on the Quintell technology, which provided stability to the rider and the unique posture control system.

Article Source : About The Rise of Mobility Scooters_121763.aspx

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Get more information on Scooters Mobility, Electric Mobility Scooter

Keywords : electric disabled scooters, electric scooters mobility, disabled scooters, uk mobility scooters,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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