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King of the sea and Vasilisa the Wise 3

Posted On : Sep-05-2011 | seen (138) times | Article Word Count : 801 |

And Vasilisa the Wise, Ivan - prince far away - far away! Galloping horses, greyhounds on without stopping, without rozdyhu.
Reported bestow, tea, Young fled, embittered, he sent for them and great chase.
And Vasilisa the Wise, Ivan - prince far away - far away! Galloping horses, greyhounds on without stopping, without rozdyhu.
Well - ka, Iwawa - prince fall down to the damp ground, but look, there are no car chases on the sea king?
Ivan - the prince dismounted, put his ear to the damp ground and said:
- I hear gossip and horse-top!
- It's driven us! - Vasilisa the Wise said, and immediately drew the horses in green meadow, Ivan - Prince - an old shepherd, and she became myrrh lamb.
Runs into the chase:
- Hey, old man! Do not see you - not rode there a good fellow with a beautiful maiden?
- No, good people, not seen - Ivan is responsible - the prince - for forty years, as grazing on the site - no bird by no proletyvala, no animal by not proryskival!
Came back chase ago
- Your Majesty! Nobody on the road does not have driven, seen only: a shepherd tending sheep.
- What is missing? After this they were! - Cried the king of the sea, and sent a new pursuit.
But Ivan - Prince of Vasilisa the Wise long - long jump for horses greyhounds.
- Well, Ivan - prince fall down to the damp ground, but look, there are no car chases on the sea king?
Ivan - the prince dismounted from his horse, put his ear to the damp ground and said:
- I hear gossip and top horse.
- It's driven us! - Vasilisa the Wise said, she became the church, Ivan - the prince turned an old priest, and horses - the trees.
Runs into the chase:
- Hey, Father! Do not see you, has not been there a shepherd with sheep?
- No, people: the good, not seen, forty years of toil in the church - no bird flew past the no, no animal by not proryskival.
She turned the chase back:
- Your Majesty! Nowhere to be found a shepherd with a lamb, just in the way and saw that the church let the priest - the old man.
- What you do not have broken the church, the priest did not bring? It's the most they were! - Cried the king of the sea, and he rode vdogon for Ivan - a prince and Vasilisa the Wise.
And they went away.
Again, Vasilisa the Wise says:
- Ivan - Prince! Fall down to the damp ground - not to hear whether the chase?
Ivan Tears - Prince from his horse, pressed his ear to the damp ground and said:
- I hear gossip and horse-top than ever.
- This is the king rides.
Traffic Vasilisa the Wise horses lake, Ivan - Prince - drake, and she became utkoyu.
Sea king rode to the lake, immediately guessed who are duck and drake; hit the damp earth and turned into an eagle. Eagle wants to kill them to death, but not here - that was, that does not fly apart from the top ... here - that will strike the drake, drake and dive into the water, that's - that hit a duck, a duck dive into the water! Struggled and struggled, so nothing could be done. Sea king rode in his underwater kingdom, and Vasilisa the Wise, Ivan - prince waited a good time and went to Holy Russia.
Long or a short, they arrived in the kingdom tridesyatoe.
- Wait for me in this grove, - says Ivan - Prince Vasilisa the Wise - I'm going to report in advance to his father and mother.
- You forget me, Ivan - Prince!
- No, do not forget.
- No, Ivan - the prince, do not tell, will forget! Remember me even then, as will be two dove in the window to beat!
Ivan came - Prince's palace, saw his parents rushed him on his neck and kissed - to pardon him for joy forgot Ivan - Vasilisa the Wise about the prince.
She lives day and the other with his father, mother, and a third planned to propose to what - what the princess.
Vasilisa the Wise went to town and was hired to prosvirne to workers. Began to prepare communion bread, she took two pieces of dough, a couple of pigeons blinded and put in oven.
- To unlock, mistress, what will become of these pigeons?
- And what will happen? Eat them - that's all!
- No, I did not guess!
Vasilisa the Wise opened the oven, opened the window - and at the moment Well pigeons startled, flew straight to the palace and began beating at the windows, how many workers are neither Tsarist tried, nothing could banish away.

Article Source : of the sea and Vasilisa the Wise 3_79502.aspx

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It was only then Ivan - the prince thought of Vasilisa the Wise, he sent messengers to Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyer all parts of question but search and found her in prosvirni, took her white hands, kissed the mouth of sugar, has led to his father and mother, and began to live mesothelioma lawyers Texas together happily ev

Keywords : fireplace,

Category : Arts and Entertainment : Arts and Entertainment

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