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Key Questions to Consider Before Debt Settlement

Posted On : Sep-25-2010 | seen (241) times | Article Word Count : 565 |

Before using debt settlement, you need to have solid answer to several key questions including knowing how debt settlement works, if you are a candidate for debt settlement, if debt settlement is the best solution for you and if you will be able to pay off your remaining debt using this method. Greenshield’s Financial Services has certified debt arbitrators who guide their clients toward a debt-free life by helping relieve concerns and resolve debt.
There are several facts that everyone needs to know before considering debt settlement. Before you choose a debt settlement company, you need to be assured that you are fully-informed. Here are key questions to consider before pursuing debt settlement.

How Does Debt Settlement Work?

One of the most frequently asked questions is how debt settlement works. In order to at least regain the money you originally borrowed, your creditor will be willing to negotiate how much is owed because creditors often rely on such settlements in order to stay in business. Debt settlement gives you an opportunity to waive interest and fees thus taking as much as fifty percent off the debt. Often you can also negotiate a significantly lower interest rate on the remaining balance.

Am I a Candidate for Debt Settlement?

In order to qualify for debt settlement, you usually must have a minimum debt of ten thousand dollars. Also, most people don’t realize that if you have secured debt you do not qualify for debt settlement. Examples of secured debt include automobile loans and mortgages.

Is Debt Settlement the Best Solution for My Financial Situation?

If you fit the above requirements, you can be confident that there is no other debt relief method that is a better choice. Out of all of the debt relief options, debt settlement is considered the best method.

Can I Afford to Pay the Settlement Company‘s Fee?

This is a key question because being able to pay the fee to a debt settlement company is essential to getting a good debt settlement deal. In addition, if you choose a company that doesn't require a fee, it may take longer for your debt to be settled.

If I Choose Debt Settlement, Will I Be Able to Pay Off the Rest of the Debt?

It is important for you to evaluate your income and know the answer to this question before entering a debt settlement. If you are able to afford to pay off the remaining debt, then debt settlement is the best choice.

Debt settlement is an excellent option as long as you stay focused on the goal of successfully reducing your debt and follow the advice of the debt reduction company that you hire. In time, with a debt settlement plan in place, you will eventually be able to live debt-free and have more money to invest in your future.

Located north of Dallas, Greenshield Financial Services has certified debt arbitrators who follow the highest standard of professionadebt settlement programl conduct as designated by the International Association of Professional Debt Arbitrators (IAPDA).
Greenshield’s mission is to guide their clients toward a debt-free life by helping relieve concerns, resolve debt, and rebuild strong financial health, both now and in the future. Part of the company’s world-class customer service includes providing financial education and savings guidelines for consumers to deploy immediately and in the future when professional debt settlement is no longer needed.
Many people who have gotten into trouble with credit card companies have turned to Greenshield for debt relief. Green Shield Financial Services is a Financial Health Management Company that specializes in a debt settlement program as alternatives to debt relief, debt help, and bankruptcy to help you learn how to get out of debt.

Article Source : Questions to Consider Before Debt Settlement_34644.aspx

Author Resource :
Heather Preston. debt settlement program - Green Shield Financial Services is a Financial Health Management Company that specializes in a debt settlement program as alternatives to debt relief, debt help, and bankruptcy to help you learn how to get out of debt.

Keywords : debt settlement program,

Category : Finance : Finance

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