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Kapalbhati Yoga Tips and Health Benefit of Kapalbhati Yoga

Posted On : Sep-09-2010 | seen (418) times | Article Word Count : 587 |

Kapalbhati is one of the best yoga technique that have been given to us by sages of India. It is a gift to humanity. The idea is simple, breathe in usually and exhale forcibly allowing the stomach to collapse. Do it for 10 minutes and feel the difference within days.
Kapalbhati is one of the best yoga technique that have been given to us by sages of India.

It is a gift to humanity.

The idea is simple, breathe in usually and exhale forcibly allowing the stomach to collapse. Do it for 10 minutes and feel the difference within days.

Kapalbhati is one of my favorite pranayamas. Kapalbhati is a subcategory of Pranayama that come in the 3rd chapter of "Pantajali Yogdarshan".

Amongst the several Pranayamic exercises and techniques; Kapalbhati is noteworthy as Kapalbhati is an exercise the practice of which imparts glow to the skull; a cleansing process which brightens the forehead.

Kapalbhati is a pranayama technique which invigorates the entire brain and awakens the dormant centers that are responsible for subtle perception.

Benefit of Kapalbhati Yoga

1. Works on the Heart Center (Anahat Chakra) and interrelated organs and systems of that region. Thus improving respiration, lung competence and blood circulation. Kapalbhati helps cure related diseases of this region (asthma, bronchitis etc).

2. Works on the Naval Center (Manipura Chakra) and linked organs and systems of that regions.

Thus civilizing digestion and elimination. Cures diseases and imbalances associated with this area such as dyspepsia, gas, diabetes, etc.

3. From a mental stand point Kapalbhati Pranayama assists in throw out all negative thoughts from the mind. thus, helping to cleanse and illuminate the mind.

4. From a body stand point Kapalbhati Pranayama should be used to eject any illnesses, diseases, weakness from the body thus allow it grow in health, vitality and vigor.

Technique of Kapalbhati

There are some techniques of Kapalbhati that are to be kept in mind while active this pranayama.

Padmasana is the best asana to practice kapalbhati. After sitting in padmasana, the palms are pressed moderately on the respective knees and the hands are kept straight.

By doing this the vertebral column robotically becomes straight. The upper part of the chest and the shoulder are slightly elevated.

Kapalbhati Yoga Instructions

1. Do this daily in the morning if you can, before breakfast (2 hours if after meal. You will get a cramp or else. Trust me.)

2. Start with a count of 20-30, then rest. See how you feel. This is very personality depending on your cardiovascular circumstance, so take it easy if you haven’t done exercise in a while. Or if that was a piece of cake, then try for 45 seconds or one minute.

3. Sit with legs crossed in a lotus-like place or if in a chair, both feet on the ground

4. Spine straight, chest open, like a string is going from your butt up from side to side the top of your head and asset you straight


1. Suffering from heart illness
2. High blood pressure
3. Hernia
4. Should never be skillful when an asthmatic attack is in progress.
5. Pregnancy
6. Menstruation
7. Recent surgery in the thoracic region

Kapalbhati Pranayama cures

1. Diseases which are hard to manage by medicines like asthma, respiratory troubles, allergies, sinus, etc.
2. Diseases of heart, lungs and brain are enduringly cured.
3. Kapalbhati completely removes blockage in arteries and controls cholesterol.
4. Obesity, diabetes, flatulence, constipation, acidity and diseases pertaining to kidneys and prostate glands etc. are totally cured.
5. Women diseases like uterus cysts, breast cysts, cancer cysts or any type of cysts in the body are permanently dissolve without any surgery.

Article Source : Yoga Tips and Health Benefit of Kapalbhati Yoga_32425.aspx

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Keywords : kapalbhati pranayama, kapalbhati yoga, kapalbhati pranayama, kapalbhati breathing, benefits of kapalbhati, 10 minute yoga,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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