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Issues to consider prior to getting small business insurance

Posted On : Dec-15-2010 | seen (389) times | Article Word Count : 537 |

The role of small business insurance is to protect your business enterprise against any possible but unforeseen incidences that may lead to the loss of your investment.
The role of small business insurance is to protect your business enterprise against any possible but unforeseen incidences that may lead to the loss of your investment. Should these incidences occur it is likely that they may financially impair your enterprise in such a way that it will be difficult or impossible to carry on with business as usual. This is certainly all the more reason to seek for a suitable insurance cover.

In obtaining a small business insurance cover package your first course of action should be to identify a suitable agent or broker i.e. one that you can rely on to deliver. There are various places where you can start your search and these include sources like the yellow pages and references from some of the business acquaintances you have. In using the yellow pages you will want to look for an agent or broker whose work entails commercial insurance as a specialty. Consulting with your business acquaintances should be aimed at identifying a number of recommended insurance providers. Additionally, it is prudent to check whether or not your possible choice(s) is a member of one of the professional associations for agents or brokers. On confirming these details you can organize for a meeting with the agent(s) and he/she should analyse your exposures. The professional opinion thus offered will be beneficial in helping you identify any gaps, miscalculations and/or omissions on your part with regards to the type of small business insurance you had identified as suitable for your enterprise.

What are the various types of exposures that you will want to protect your small business against? Broadly, there are six such areas and these are property, liability, time element, workers’ compensation, crime and automobile. The fact that these different areas exist is the reason why getting a professional exposures opinion is so vital; different businesses are not exposed to all these areas of risk. You will definitely need workers’ insurance if you have employees and automobile insurance will be a requirement in the event that your business makes use of vehicle(s). Some of the other areas of risk will really depend on business decisions on your part but it is of essence to realize that if you need to enter into various contractual agreements you may need to have or to comply with certain small business insurance requirements of which you should be informed about.

Prior to obtaining the insurance cover you require it may be worthwhile to engage the inspection services of a loss control expert so as to identify any hitherto unexposed hazardous conditions and/or situations. The expert’s report and recommendations may prove beneficial in as far as helping to reduce the cost of premiums and increasing the appeal of your business to insurers is concerned. Another issue that you will want to research on before settling on a small business insurance cover has to do with if there are any packages designed to suit your business that exist. Nowadays it is the norm to come across insurance packages designed to meet the exposure needs of individual business types e.g. cover for auto garages, jewellers, beauty parlours, restaurants etc. Such are readily offered by proficient commercial brokers and agents.

Article Source : to consider prior to getting small business insurance_45065.aspx

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At we endeavour to group together all the various small business insurance products pertinent to your business thus making it easy for you to have your required commercial policies in a single place. Online insurance comparisons with us are both comprehensive and convenient.

Keywords : liability insurance, policy, public liability insurance, insurance, employers liability insurance, quotation, shop insurance, ,

Category : Finance : Insurance

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