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Is There Any Herbal Remedy To Cure Nocturnal Emissions In Men?

Posted On : Oct-03-2011 | seen (145) times | Article Word Count : 508 |

Nocturnal emission is a natural phenomenon characterized by ejaculation of semen during sleep. In most cases, it is accompanied by the formation of erotic dreams.
Nocturnal emission is a natural phenomenon characterized by ejaculation of semen during night sleep. In most cases, nocturnal emission is accompanied by the formation of erotic dreams. It is also well known as wet dreams or nocturnal discharge. As per studies, condition of nocturnal emission is commonly found among teenagers. In normal case, this condition won't cause any harm to the body. Excessive occurrence of nocturnal emission can lead way to several health risks. Factors contributing for nightfall may not be unique always. Some among the common factors giving rise to nocturnal emission include erotic dreams, exceeding the holding capacity of semen in body and physical stimulation causes by blankets. Memory problems, decrease in sperm count, infertility, insomnia and mental weakness are main effects of frequent nightfall problem. Now, let's see vivid herbal remedies to cure nocturnal emissions in men.

Celery juice is one among the safe herbal remedies to cure nocturnal emission problem. Patients suffering from chronic night emission are advised to intake a combination of honey and celery juice before going to bed. It is a perfect hydrating tonic used for preventing body weakness and fatigue problems. This juice has been used for centuries for the treatment of various illness and health troubles. Celery juice, enriched with essential minerals is a perfect composition of vitamins, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Regular intake of celery juice regulates central nervous system and helps in calming down of nerve cells. Apart from preventing weak sexuality, celery juice is also used for preventing health risks like kidney stones, inflammations, indigestion and insomnia.

Osha herb, well known for aphrodisiac property is a common herbal remedy prescribed for curing nocturnal emission. At present, osha roots are easily available in market in the form of tinctures, extracts, powders and as bulk roots. Osha root can be described as a perfect composition of volatile oils, terpenes, saponins, ferulic acid and phytosterols. It is found to be very beneficial for the treatment of night falls due to viral infections or gonad bacterial infections. Osha herb is well known for carminative, antirheumatic, digestive and antispasmodic activities. Root, stem and leaf parts of the plant are mainly used for the preparation of ayurvedic medicines. Increasing immunity, preventing heart burn, curing stomach ache and preventing bronchial problems are other advantages of using osha herb.

NF Cure capsule is an effective herbal remedy for nocturnal emission problem. Presence of active herbs and botanicals in this supplement gives out prolonged results with zero adverse action on user. Piper longum, saffron, safed musli, withania somnifera and ferrum are some among the key ingredients added for the preparation of NF Cure capsule. These potent ingredients present in NF Cure capsule are well known for aromatic, cooling and anti aging action. Patients suffering from chronic night emission are advised to intake NF Cure capsule consistently for two to three months time period. Improving muscle mass, curing premature ejaculation, controlling spermatorrhea, improving erection and staying power are other health benefits of consuming NF Cure capsules.

Article Source : There Any Herbal Remedy To Cure Nocturnal Emissions In Men?_88082.aspx

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Read about Herbal Treatment for Nocturnal Emissions. Also know Herbal Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction. Read about Herbal Male Sexual Enhancement Pills.

Keywords : herbal remedy to cure nocturnal emission, cure nocturnal emission, nocturnal emission in men, nocturnal emission herbal remed,

Category : Health and Fitness : Men's Issues

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