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Is There Any Herbal Remedy To Cure Low Sperm Count Oligospermia?

Posted On : Oct-03-2011 | seen (167) times | Article Word Count : 511 |

Low sperm count or oligospermia is a health condition characterized by fewer sperm count than normal level in semen. Usually this condition arises when a person has less than twenty million sperms per milliliter of semen.
Low sperm count, medically termed as oligospermia is a health condition characterized by fewer sperm count than normal level in semen. Usually oligospermia condition arises when a person has less than twenty million sperms per milliliter of semen. Damaged sperm ducts, hormonal problems, varicocele and genetics are some among the main causes reported for the formation of this condition. Treatments prescribed for oligospermia vary according to the actual cause of problem. Testicular biopsy, ultrasound, blood test and genetic tests are common tests done to identify this trouble. Lifestyle factors like diet, frequency of intercourse and habits of smoking and drinking plays key roles in maintaining the healthy functioning of reproductive organs. Following are some among the top listed herbal remedies to cure low sperm count or oligospermia.

Ashwagandha, an active ingredient added for the preparation of ayurvedic medicines is safe herbal remedy to cure low sperm count or oligospermia condition. It is also known in the names of withania somnifera and winter cherry. Ashwagandha acts as a well known immunity enhancer, relaxant and as antioxidant. This is a perfect tonic for those people suffering oligospermia due to high stress condition. Intake of ashwagandha root extracts improves blood supply to genitals and enhances the strength of reproductive organs. Regular use of ashwagandha root extract acts as a nutritive tonic for improving the over all well being of person. Apart from increasing sperm count, daily use of ashwagandha root extracts also helps in healing wounds, nurturing central nervous system, improving muscle mass and long lasting endurance.

Shilajit is an effective herbal remedy to cure low sperm count problem. This end product of plant parts is well known for aphrodisiac property. Essential nutrients enriched in shilajit acts as a natural tonic for improving the strength and stamina of person. It is found to be as an effective solution to variety of illness. Advantages of adding shilajit capsules in diet include enhancing immune system, revitalizing body cells, improving heart function, purification of blood cells and relieving nervous disorders.

Musli strong, enriched with potent herbs is a best recommended herbal remedy to cure low sperm count or oligospermia. It is completely safe and induces prolonged results with zero side effects. Regular intake of this herbal supplement eliminates the risk of reproductive disorders like premature ejaculation, low sperm count and erectile dysfunction. It enhances erection quality and helps you to stay longer in bed. Alleviating mental stress, improving desire, preventing fatigue and body weakness are other health benefits of consuming safed musli.

Similar to Musli strong, NightFire capsule is another safe herbal remedy for low sperm count. This herbal supplement is a composition of jaypatri, kesar, jaiphal, sarpgandha and salabmisri. For best results, patients with low sperm are advised to intake NF cure capsules twice per day. NF cure capsule is completely free from harsh chemicals and can be used for long term without any adverse actions. Important health benefits of including NF cure capsule in diet include increasing libido, reducing stress, enhancing fertility, improving strength, vigor and vitality.

Article Source : There Any Herbal Remedy To Cure Low Sperm Count Oligospermia?_88088.aspx

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Read about Herbal Treatment for Low Sperm Count. Also know Herbal Treatment for Nightfall. Read about Herbal Treatment for Premature Ejaculation.

Keywords : cure low sperm count, cure oligospermia, herbal remedies for low sperm count, low sperm count, herbal remedy for oligospermia,

Category : Health and Fitness : Men's Issues

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