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Ipod Tale- ups and downs during 10 years of life

Posted On : Jan-20-2012 | seen (1590) times | Article Word Count : 636 |

Every good thing has an end certainly, which though is unpredictable. So is very true for the Apple Ipod Tale.
Apple gifted world with a magical music player called “Ipod “in the year 2001. Apple Inc. officially made an announcement about the Ipod in October, 2001 and thereafter launched the Ipod in November, 2001. The gadget had just turned 10 years old in October 2011. Throughout the years, this lad had been apple of every music buff’s eyes & still continues to be. The journey so far had been a mix of many ups and downs. Time & again, this portable music player had been upgraded a lot of times in aim of rendering better user experience to the ipod lovers.
Apple conceptualized to develop its own Ipod in the beginning of this millennium as the portable music players available at that time were relatively bulky with not so good features. During 10 years of life, the ipod family had seen birth of its many offsprings. Traditional ipod shuffle was accompanied by its siblings namely, the ipod classic, Ipod nano, ipod touch and many more. In actual, Ipod was a brainchild of the Apple CEO, Steve Jobs who said good bye to the world on October 5, 2011. Originally, this device was revealed as a Mac- simpatico product having a 5 GB hard drive that can store upto 1,000 songs in your pocket.
The Ipod Classic used Internal hard drive as the storage medium unlike its siblings that used flash memory for storing music files. The storage capacity however, varies in every model, for instance, it is 2 GB for ipod shuffle while 160 GB in case of an Ipod classic. The click wheel shuffle had been a signature element of the Ipod gadgets who all can be accredited for rescuing Apple from a computer maker marquee. From then, the germination continued & more Apple (Inc) fruits like Iphone and Ipad ripened during the noughties.
Many competitors, like Microsoft’s Zune and Sony Walkman, who were equally good in technical specs and design, tried to lead the race but Apple always managed to be in the lead, ruling over the hearts of the Ipod Lovers. Zune was even said to be technically more sound but couldn’t overpower the prominent Apple aura. The Apple’s Ipod series starting from the monochrome “click wheel model “to the Ipod touch version saw multiple modifications in the form of an improvised design, storage & user experience. Time & again the music buffs have always welcomed every new model which offered excellent & improved features like, external data storage, gaming apart from rendering splendid music player experience.
The sales of ipod grew rapidly in the mid of the past decade, largely because of the ITunes platform that enabled the users to get their favorite tunes in a very cheap & legal manner. But now, after the debut of the Iphones & other smartphones, the demand for iphones has dropped considerably. Many people now prefer to carry both their data & music files in just one portable Smartphone rather than carrying two different gadgets, one for playing music & other for their data files. But still, a majority of US gadget lovers like to listen to music on a dedicated music player like an Ipod.
Every good thing has an end certainly, which though is unpredictable. So is very true for the Apple Ipod Tale. Rumors have started coming in about the end of the significant Apple Ipod series in coming time. The truth is hard to bear but might be a reality someday. No matter what happens, Ipod will still remain to be a great gadget with a massive 100 Gigabyte memory and music library that no other Smartphone can offer, till date. Read more about the Ipod tale - the ups and downs during 10 years of life at
Long live the Ipod !

Article Source : Tale- ups and downs during 10 years of life_136782.aspx

Author Resource :
Sam Hargreaves is the official writer of this article. Based in Basildon Essex , UK gadgets4everyone is involved in Gadget Recycling by buying the old and used electronic gadgets like ipod,ipad,tablets and smart phones.

Keywords : Ipod, Ipod Classic, Ipod Nano, Ipod Touch, Ipod Shuffle,

Category : Product Reviews : Digital Products

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