Interesting research topic
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Making an interesting research topic is never an easy task. It needs to be fine tuned from the chosen subject. The subject is a broad version and the topics for the research work needs to be very specific.
Making an interesting research topic is never an easy task. It needs to be fine tuned from the chosen subject. The subject is a broad version and the topics for the research work needs to be very specific. Some of the important points for making research topic from the subject are-
1) Elimination of irrelevant facts- The subject matter of research is definite and limited, but we find phenomena which contain both relevant and irrelevant facts. For example, if we wish to determine the effects of a particular educational system on the social behavior of students, we must not consider the family, religious and political background of students, because our purpose is limited to educational system and if we consider other factors affecting social behavior our purpose will be defeated.
2) Test and verification of hypothesis- The research topic will eventually convert into a workable hypothesis. All research begins with a hypothesis and without a hypothesis the experiment can not proceed. Now, this hypothesis may be confirmed or reflected by the results of a research work.
3) Laws of nature- Another purpose for doing a research is to discover the laws of nature. A research may confirm an already known law of nature or may suggest one.
4) Consideration of the budget factor- The time and money for doing research is limited. So the topic needs to be such that it will be possible to finish the whole project with the available time and money.
After choosing the topic and making the hypothesis the research methodology is made for finishing the research work. For completion of the research work first of all you need to do the survey. Before starting survey it should be made clear as to what techniques are to be used in survey. The choice of technique depends upon the scope and the nature of the research work. The determination of techniques facilitates survey. In questionnaire technique and the schedules to be sent by post, the list of questions is prepared before hand. Having completed the above formalities the field workers go to respective individuals to gather information. In this they have to keep the convenience of persons to be interviewed in view. This work requires great resourcefulness and tact because the cooperation of respondents can be had only if they are approached in the right manner. The field work is done under the supervisor. After collecting information the field workers file it with their respective departments. The collected material is organized, classified and statistically analyzed. Having analyzed the data competent and able researchers draws conclusions from them and elucidates these conclusions. Lastly, the conclusions of a research work are graphically presented. Some schedules and charts are also given to aid the understanding of these conclusions. At the end of the research work a list of bibliography is also presented where you can find the list of all the references those the researcher has used to complete the study. An interesting research topic should attract the readers if the topic is backed by well defined scientific research work.
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http://www.articleseen.com/Article_Interesting research topic _14299.aspx
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PayelRese is an academic writer who provides useful information about research paper writing and interesting research topics .
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interesting research topic, research topic, research methodology ,
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