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Interaction with computer part3

Posted On : Apr-24-2011 | seen (401) times | Article Word Count : 439 |

Interaction with computer
Prompted User Interfaces:
As the name is suggesting that in it the computer shows a dialog that prompts about something like what you want computer to do?A prompt thus requests some information from the user to be inputted like if he or she wants to open a file or do some task then it must provide information to it to fulfill your command .
For example consider a prompt dialog in which it asked that eneter the file name you want to open and you enter the file name and press ok button given with the prompt dialog and then by following you command of oppening a file and by following the specific file name you provided the required file that was required by you is opened before you on your computer system.And likewise we can do all tasks with just a simple asking and doing system.
Some examples are: a prompt that asks that weather you want to rename some file and if you want to then enter its present name and new name and then just by clicking ok button with prompt dialog we are done, a prompt that asks that if you want to save your file and if you want to then please enter its name and press ok button with the prompt dialog.
And when you give it file name and press ok then your file is saved and also you can provide a location for your file where you want it to be saved in such a dialog,a prompt that asks that if you want to print some file and if you want to then may be you can enter the file name and press ok button and your file is printed by the printer at that very moment,a prompt that asks that weather you want to delete some file and if you want to then you enter its name and press ok button with the prompt and the required file is deleted at that very moment.
Prompts are not ony the kind that ask for some input there are also prompts that ask us a “yes” or a “no”.For eaxmple when filling out a computer form we encounter such dialogs that ask us that “are you a male or female” or may be that “are you already a member or not” or may be “are you under 18” or “are you above 18” or “are you human or computer” , consider that all those promts have a “yes” or “no” to go meaning that we just confirm ourselves by such prompts for some condition that is applicable to us.

Article Source : with computer part3_60350.aspx

Author Resource :
M Abid Khan graduate of computer science.

Keywords : dialog prompt, command , rename file, press ok, yes no,

Category : Computers : Computers

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