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Interaction with computer part2

Posted On : Apr-24-2011 | seen (404) times | Article Word Count : 389 |

Interaction with computer
Menu-Driven User Interfaces:
The second thing that we consider in human and computer interaction are menu-driven user interfaces.Consider a man that can may be remember 20 commands or may be 40 commands while using a command line operating system but consider a situation in which a man badly needs to do a task by a computer but do not remember appropeiate command for that.
And then he or she goes through the manual of all commands of the operating system and after that tedious work of searching an appropriate command to do a task by his or her computer system he or she finally found a command but at that time you can say that a lots of time has been wasted in searching just a simple command but as well as menu-driven user interfaces are concerned the things have been made a lots easier meaning that there is no searching and that also means that no wastage of time and no tedious work to go though.
With a menu-driven interface the computer provides us with a dialog that contains appropriate commands or a list of commands and that dialog is called a menu.By clicking any command we can do the appropriate task associated with this menu command .
For example” open” command in a menu list can open a file for some purpose or “save” command on a menu list can save the contents of a file or “new” command in the copmmand list of a menu can let us make a new file or “rename” command in list of a command menu can let us rename a file or “print” command in the list of a command menu can let us immediately print the contents of a file or “delete” command in the list of the command menu can let us delete a file that we want to delete.
So its just a click away, just a click and yes sir it is done on the spot and no need to remember hundreds of commands, search the command manual for appropriate command thus doing any tedious work of searching a simple command and wasting a lots of precious time and now we can save our energies and time as well just remember one thing now that it is one click away.

Article Source : with computer part2_60349.aspx

Author Resource :
M Abid Khan graduate of computer science.

Keywords : menu-driven user interfaces, manual of commands, dialog, open save rename print, searching a simple command,

Category : Computers : Computers

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