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Information about Cat Tien National Park.

Posted On : Nov-16-2011 | seen (236) times | Article Word Count : 462 |

Cat Tien National Park is the largest forest in Vietnam. This is one of the biosphere reserve of the world. Located on the 3 provinces of Binh Phuoc, Lam Dong, Dong Nai in Vietnam.

Cat Tien National Park is the largest forest in Vietnam. This is one of the biosphere reserve of the world. Located on the 3 provinces of Binh Phuoc, Lam Dong, Dong Nai in Vietnam. Cat Tien National Park conservation agency, does not allow exploitation of environmental effects, landscape and its value.

Climate: Cat Tien park is situated on the junction region between the plains and mountainous areas, the sunny climate year round, but moist. Very handy for plants, wildlife adapted to humid tropical climate to thrive.

History: Formerly Cat Tien National Park is an area rich in species diversity. But in the Vietnam War, forests were Agent Orange, a chemical by the U.S. military poured, had destroyed a large part of the flora, human transgenic animals. Most of the area exposed to Agent Orange and now only bamboo and grass. Other species can not grow due to toxic effects.

In the early days, this area is divided into 3 Nam Cat Tien and Tay Cat Tien and North Cat Tien. Then in 1998 in all three areas merge together and collectively named Cat Tien National Park.

Garden plants and animals:

Plants: Located in the humid tropics for flora here is the diversity. According to local statistics of this national park is 50% of the area is forest green, 40% bamboo forest area (as shown above, the original forest cover is green), 10% is before planting in 1998 by farming on the hill range. There are many species of rare plants such as Christmas flavor, mahogany, dozens of species of forest orchids ... More and deep inside, you will live to see five hundred species of trees, paths and plants are protected to ensure the development of natural balance.

Animals: The vegetation of natural development, resulting in different animals is very rich. There are many rare animals such as Asian elephants, bulls, bears, bears, buffalo, tiger, leopard, panther, .... Forest trees and bamboo forests extensive create favorable conditions for the development of nesting birds. There are many birds here, including many species protected list is red eagle black, white duck wings ....

Also a Cat Tien park is Lake Six area of ​​13,759 ha of wetlands. Always submerged 151 ha, 5000 ha seasonally flooded call.

Ideal for tourists interested in exploring, nature-loving mountain.
Travel at night is a form of travel to Cat Tien's quite interesting. After the break, dinner, waiting for night falls, visitors will visit and explore the mysterious fauna and exciting night on a special car.

The above is information about a tourist destination rather interesting that I would recommend for you. Hope it will help you get more interesting options for vacations with family and friends.

Article Source : about Cat Tien National Park._105185.aspx

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