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Infallible Tarot Card Predictions Combining Numerology and Tarot Horoscope

Posted On : Jan-04-2012 | seen (363) times | Article Word Count : 451 |

Tarot card readers note the number of times a card with a specific number shows up in a spread during a tarot card reading session. By interpreting it through their divine intuition and powers of clairvoyance, they are able to give better tarot horoscopes and a deeper meaning to the session.
A tarot reader with the supreme gift of divine clairvoyance usually gives infallible tarot card predictions combining numerology and tarot horoscope reading for his subject. An esoteric and occult art, there is no known guideline or precise mathematical formulas but only the spiritual guidance that is available to the tarot card reader that results in such infallible and amazing tarot card predictions. In the hands of a layman the deck of 78 tarot cards would be just cards. In the hands of a tarot reader with supreme, mystic powers, these 78 cards, divided into 22 cards for the major events of a person’s life and 56 further sub-divided into wands, cups, swords and pentacles for the every day aspects, assume a magical aura and become the medium for tarot card predictions.

Most people would assume that tarot cards usually give answers to specific questions but what is not so widely known is that practitioners of the occult art have combined tarot horoscope and numerology to arrive at infallible tarot card predictions. Generally people with specific issues consult tarot readers and a tarot card spread is consulted for these questions.

Those with a thirst to know more and in detail go in for tarot readings that combine numerology with tarot horoscope for very precise tarot predictions. Each sign of the zodiac has a specific tarot card associated with it. Each tarot card specific to the sign denotes specific personality traits and characteristics of the person and gives a general view of his life. Further fine tuning the process, tarot readers take into account the number of times a card with a specific number turns up during the tarot card reading session. Each card, in addition to being assigned to a specific zodiac sign, also carries a specific number with its significance. The tarot card reader interprets numerology of the tarot card, the tarot horoscope and arrives at tarot card predictions that can surprise subjects with their accuracy and perfection. Combining all three gives a deeper significance to tarot card readings and enhances the session, giving more value and deeper insights for the subject.

Taking it a step further, tarot readers conduct tarot horoscopes readings where each card associated with a particular sign of the Zodiac has its special meaning. Whereas generalized tarot reading may focus on one or more questions the tarot horoscopes give you a better, overall idea of your personality and career path. Further fine tuning tarot reading and tarot horoscopes is done by integrating numerology in the tarot reading process. In tarot, each card has been assigned a number and the number has a special significance.

Article Source : Tarot Card Predictions Combining Numerology and Tarot Horoscope_128262.aspx

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Number is not just a digit. This is hold lot of science about our future; this science called numerology Tanya Kapoor give services for tarot card predictions and tarot horoscope.

Keywords : numerology , tarot horoscope , tarot card predictions,

Category : Society : Society

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