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Important Resources and Advice for Eye Care

Posted On : Sep-14-2010 | seen (529) times | Article Word Count : 875 |

helps reduce cataracts. Try red onions and carrots, as well. They contain powerful antioxidants that are eye-friendly.
How is your eyesight? It can depend on several factors, such as age, heredity and other conditions. Did you know there are things you can do to protect your eyesight? Here are some important resources and advice for eye care.

* Get regular eye exams.
Most health insurance plans cover annual eye exams. Don’t overlook this important benefit. If you have diabetes or you’re over the age of 65, then you need at least one annual exam, and sometimes more.

* Wear shades regularly.
Whenever you go outside, even if it’s cloudy or during the dead of winter, you need to wear sunglasses. It’s like sunscreen for your eyes.

* Get your vitamins.
If you want to preserve your eyesight, it’s important to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin A. Some examples: Apricots, sweet potatoes and carrots, to name a few. It’s also good to consume Vitamin E-rich foods such as eggs and almonds. Don’t forget to get your Vitamin C, as well, such as citrus fruits. All of these will help keep your eyesight sharp.

* Lay off the sauce and the smokes.
When you smoke cigarettes or drink excessively, your retinas suffer. Both have been linked to macular degeneration, which is irreversible, and can rob you of your eyesight.

* Keep your blood healthy.
You always want to stay on top of your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. You must avoid hypertension at all costs. On top of all the many problems it causes, it can damage your ocular blood vessels.

* Find out your history.
What’s your family history like? Are there any eye diseases in the family? How about diabetes or high blood pressure? Are you over 40 and African American? These are all risk factors for eye disorders. It’s important to know your family history, as it can play a definite role in your health. This is another reason why it’s so important to get regular exams. Tell your eye doctor about your family history.

* Get regular physicals.
Make sure your general practitioner always checks you for high blood pressure and diabetes, as they can lead to serious eye problems, including glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, to name a few.

* Be aware of vision changes.

There are some warning signs that can lead to vision problems. Floaters, hazy or double vision, swelling, frequent light flashes and eye swelling are all reasons for concern. If you’re experiencing trouble like this, see your eye doc immediately.

Get more exercise.Regular exercise can actually reduce your risk of many eye problems, including macular degeneration. Take this important step to reduce your risk.

Work carefully.It’s important to wear safety goggles when you’re on the job. Whether you work in a factory, or you’re simply tinkering in your workshop at home, make sure you always wear safety goggles.

Play carefully.Are you involved in active sports? This is another reason to wear goggles. As your mother probably told you, certain leisure activities put you at risk for eye trouble. Don’t risk it. Always wear goggles when you exercise or engage in high-energy leisure activities.

Adjust your computer monitor to reduce glare.Glare can cause major eye strain. If you stare at a computer monitor all day, take frequent breaks. When you do, look out the window or step outside for some fresh air. You need to give your eyes something else to focus on.

Eat your veggies. Green vegetables help keep your vision sharp. Lutein, a powerful nutrient found in spinach, helps reduce cataracts. Try red onions and carrots, as well. They contain powerful antioxidants that are eye-friendly.

Blink! It’s important to keep your eyes moisturized. Blink regularly, and try to avoid strong gusts of air from blowing in your eyes. Stay out of the wind whenever possible. Steer clear of being directly in front of air conditioning vents. Your corneas will thank you.

Eat fish. Did you know that when you incorporate omega-3 fatty acids into your daily nutritional intake, this can help keep tiny blood vessels in the eye clot-free? Fish oil is a great source of Vitamins A and D, both of which are very eye health-friendly.

Put the book down. If you’re an avid reader, it’s advisable for you to take regular breaks from your book. Too much reading or related activities (crosswords, Sudoku, etc.) can lead to eyestrain and eye fatigue, both of which contribute to poor eyesight. Don’t risk it. Take breaks at least every hour. Get up. Stretch. Focus your eyes on something else.

Protecting your eyesight is well within your reach. By following these simple steps, you’re taking action to continue to see clearly into the future for many years to come.

Article Source : Resources and Advice for Eye Care_32904.aspx

Author Resource :
Teri Thackston is a freelance writer who writes about health, eye care and specific products and where to purchase them such as contact lenses online.

Keywords : contact lenses online,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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