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Hypnotherapy Really Helps Smokers Quit

Posted On : Jul-26-2010 | seen (650) times | Article Word Count : 497 |

Compulsive smoking is really just the result of a nicotine addiction. Like a lot of drugs, nicotine sends signals to the brain which are interpreted as pleasurable. With hypnotherapy, you are shown how to reach the ultimate state of physical and emotional relaxation.
Up until about twenty years ago most people considered the notion of hypnotism to be, at best, a crude form of entertainment at the expense of someone else. Those who thought the worst believed it was just a scam. But years of clinical study and published reports have shown hypnosis to be quite real. It's also been shown to be quite effective in helping people deal with a number of undesirable behaviors.

If you're a smoker who's trying to quit, you know what I'm talking about when I say “undesirable behaviors.” You know how smoking makes you feel; what it makes you look and smell like; what it's doing to your body. But the good news is that hypnotherapy can help you quit smoking in as little as an hour.

Are you skeptical? Then keep reading.

Compulsive smoking is really just the result of a nicotine addiction. Like a lot of drugs, nicotine sends signals to the brain which are interpreted as pleasurable. As with anything else your body finds pleasurable, once you begin smoking your body craves the resulting feelings more and more, and so you keep smoking. It becomes a vicious cycle that's hard to break because your body doesn't want to give up the pleasure.

With hypnotherapy, you are shown how to reach the ultimate state of physical and emotional relaxation. Once in this state your therapist is able to access your sub-conscious to deal with your addiction. The thing is your sub-conscious will generally take whatever thoughts are given to it as the gospel truth. It doesn't argue or try to rationally dispose of thoughts like the conscious mind does.

With the sub-conscious mind unlocked, the pleasure you derive from nicotine can be transferred to something else at the word of your therapist. He can essentially tell you brain that you are no longer a smoker and the pleasure you got from smoking you'll now get from something else.

For a lot of people, using hypnotherapy to stop smoking ends up being a double-barreled blessing because the pleasure transfer can be associated with exercise and diet. Not only will they be able to quit smoking, but the increase in exercise and healthy diet will keep off the weight generally associated with quitting smoking.

Well this is all good news for smokers, that's for sure. But be aware that hypnotherapy is not always fool-proof. Studies have shown that hypnotherapy patients have a greater chance of success than non-patients, but your attitude before and after your treatments go a long way in determining if you will succeed in quitting permanently. And combining hypnotherapy with other treatments, like the patch, greatly increase your chances.

If you're a smoker who has tried all the other traditional methods of quitting yet still failed, consider hypnotherapy. If you're just starting to think about quitting you should consider hypnotherapy too. Quitting smoking could save your life. Isn't worth investigating every available option?

Article Source : Really Helps Smokers Quit_26898.aspx

Author Resource :
For more information on Olathe hypnotherapy smoking cessation, please visit the site, where you will find a wealth of information on the subject. If you are in the Kansas/Missouri area, please drop by one of our office locations to learn how to stop smoking clinics Overland Park.

Keywords : Olathe hypnotherapy smoking cessation, stop smoking clinics Overland Park,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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