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Hunan Public Security Department said the petition Village drowning family halfway

Posted On : Nov-25-2011 | seen (155) times | Article Word Count : 1349 |

People (microblogging) Loudi November 24 (Reporter Houlin Liang Peng Wu to house the park) at 15:00 on November 24, Loudi travel home town village party secretary Yu Ji Guang An inquest will review the findings informed Loudi Hotel. Hunan Provincial Public Security Department review of inspection and supervision of the Hunan Provincial People's Procuratorate of the whole
People (microblogging) Loudi November 24 (Reporter Houlin Liang Peng Wu to house the park) at 15:00 on November 24, Loudi travel home town village party secretary Yu Ji Guang An inquest will review the findings informed Loudi Hotel. Hunan Provincial Public Security Department review of inspection and supervision of the Hunan Provincial People's Procuratorate of the whole, the release concluded: economic security department travel drowning.

Prior to this, one called "" Xinhua village suspect beaten to death in the county within the middle of the night being monitored postmortem, frozen 140 days did not bury the body, "" post, in some domestic network forum crazy pass. Post said the Xinhua County, Hunan Province, home town of Guang Yu Yu economic security to the village party secretary petition the county government was beaten to death, postmortem river late at night, causing widespread concern of Internet users and the community.

The periphery of the briefing, the reporters saw all the people into the field must wear "Pass", but also by the strict security measures.

Reporters learned that the travel economic security family, friends and family representatives, representatives of Buddhist village cadres, some provincial, city, county, township people's congress deputies, CPPCC members cities and counties, county veteran representatives, public representatives, city and county representatives and other relevant units of more than 100 people attended the briefing.

According to reports, vice president of Hunan Public Security Corps captain Nieshao Lu Yu Ji An informed review of conclusions of the forensic death, the Hunan Provincial People's Procuratorate, rectangular ice everywhere informed technical Provincial Procuratorate forensic review of the Provincial Public Security Department's oversight of the assessment process, Loudi Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation detachment of Yuan Xiang Yu who informed the conclusions of economic security review of a death investigation, Deputy Secretary Loudi petition presented tour Zhou Jilin economic security letters during his lifetime the situation.

16:28, will also be notified, the son of Yu Yu Fei Ji and daughter Ann has rushed out from the venue, regardless of discouraged workers, left the scene.

Briefing lasted nearly two hours.

Official notification said at 10:00 on June 8th or so, visit the county office building economic security to the Xinhua Room 418 petition, the county office staff received him, to sit on the couch swim faster economic work to leave the county office. 15:00 or so, once again came to visit Room 418, economic security, has refused to leave, did not find the main leaders insist will not go back until 21:00 o'clock stuck on the 4th floor. About 10 pm, Town Ridge district home tour director has advised Gordon to come from the text, work has been done around 11 pm, but the tour did not listen to advise from lying on the ground.

At 0:10 on June 9 Xu, authorities once again to persuade the security captain Yang Haidan travel home, but travel to ignore. In the case of persuasion failed, security personnel had to travel into the elevator lift, to the first floor, refused to swim out of the elevator, put its security personnel carried out of the elevator. To the hall, lying on the ground do not travel together, Yang Haidan and party secretary Pengdun Jiang Yu's home town to get in touch, agreed car travel will be sent home tour the town government. 1:10 Xu, security personnel will visit the Great Wall KF9253 Gordon carried off the back seat box. 1:30 Xu, security personnel will travel home to visit the town government. Travel home town guard and on duty received a travel economic security, and made a petition record, while retaining its in the town overnight, swim economic security, said to the Xinhua county pick up truck, bent alone at 2:49 or so left the tour home town the government.

June 13 at noon, Xinhua County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Brigade received the town police station, said Lang Overall: Zijiang Lang Town in the first neighborhood of the river found a body. Xinhua County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation unit immediately deployed to the scene work. Prone body was floating in the water, salvaged, the dress complete. Department of unidentified bodies because of technical personnel conducted a surface inspection of the body, extract the deceased's clothing and other belongings, a costal cartilage extract DNA testing equipment. Investigators to the body requires good care of the local villagers, the villagers carried the corpse with a sediment cover. That night, investigators determined according to the deceased, the deceased travel phone card status and economic security notified the family of the deceased.

June 15, Loudi, Xinhua County, two Public Security Bureau and travel agencies in the family home town of cadres of the witness, for a detailed inspection body and anatomy, and the whole process a whole video. Extraction of the deceased's autopsy lung, liver, stomach and other organizations, sent people to send Forensic Center, Hubei Tongji forensic identification, and on June 22 and July 12 issue of forensic toxicology and forensic pathology test report submissions . Concluded that: the dead body surface without any lifetime trauma, lethal force can be ruled out completely, travel safety and economic system "during his lifetime drowning suffocation." Xinhua County Public Security Bureau, through the investigation, because there is no evidence of the fact crimes occurred, it has not been placed on file.

Family of the deceased does not endorse this conclusion. The deceased son swim fly in October 31, 2011 beginning been posted on the Internet, said his father travel to Xinhua economic security petition county government, was beaten to death in the county staff and hospital postmortem Zijiang, causing users and the media wide attention.

In this regard, Hunan Province, city, and county party committee and government attach great importance. November 4, Loudi set up a "death tour economic security" of the investigation for review disposed of the leading group, restart the tour death investigation review the work of economic security. The evening of November 4, Hunan Public Security Bureau on tour again, economic security body for an autopsy. Autopsy review of identification in order to increase the transparency and authority of the Provincial Public Security Bureau sent a group of experts, provincial procuratorate also sent a forensic expert on-site supervision, were invited to tour the whole process of economic security of the family to witness. Extract part of the deceased autopsy lung, liver, stomach, left kidney and post-occipital scalp, the left part of the first rib ribs 6,7 and other organizations, and funded river waters sampled. November 5, the provincial Public Security Department and the Provincial People's Procuratorate to arrange for someone sent to Sun Yat-sen (microblogging) forensic Forensic Medical Center and the Southern Center for identification.

Hunan Public Security Bureau forensic expert review conclusions that: An economic body surface travel without trauma, autopsy see no damage to internal organs, after the occipital scalp the dead no signs of bleeding due to injury, the deceased left sixth and seventh rib cross-sectional series after the death of the formation, due to sharp effect, violence and injury can be ruled out mechanical death; by Hubei Tongji Forensic Forensic Forensic Medical Center and Southern Poison Center test system can be excluded from common toxic tour economic security, drug poisoning; dead bodies drowning signs, and by Hubei Tongji forensic forensic forensic center and testing center Sun Yat-sen, in his lungs, liver, kidney and other organs were detected in water samples and field, type, and shape of the diatom, economic security department confirmed travel drowning.

Loudi Municipal Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation Unit through the Xinhua county office cadres and security, travel and home guards stated the town government cadres to conduct investigation and verification, the county office of Xinhua travel home surveillance video and police surveillance video review, identification and field testing confirmed the safety and economy travel in the evening of June 8, the county office building without anyone being beaten, and in at 2:49 on June 9 to leave the tour walking around their home town government.

Article Source : Public Security Department said the petition Village drowning family halfway_109695.aspx

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