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How to use Farm Management Software

Posted On : Jul-12-2011 | seen (297) times | Article Word Count : 524 |

It is a common phenomenon for us; farming is a comprehensive task with hands on experience, timing and in-depth knowledge. Lots of documentation can't help you a lot. Everything you have to do out side of your house with numbers of heavy machineries and equipments. In different countries like India, china and many other's economy mainly depending on the farming.
It is a common phenomenon for us; farming is a comprehensive task with hands on experience, timing and in-depth knowledge. Lots of documentation can’t help you a lot. Everything you have to do out side of your house with numbers of heavy machineries and equipments. In different countries like India, china and many other’s economy mainly depending on the farming. Frankly speaking, in those countries if anyone has a piece of land and a farm, he /she can generate the enough amounts for his/her family. Now a day, due the growth of the economy and global market, it is essential to automate everything. Automation not only reduces the cost and time but also increase the productivity and profit. To automate the farming process, one must need specialized software that can automate everything. Those specialized software called farm management software or in other words farm ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).

There are numbers of software companies offer farm management software. But the question is – “Is really do I need a farm management system?” And “How farm management system can help me?” well, the answers are – Yes. You need farm management software to maximize your profit and of course the productivity; apart from it automated financial management system and sales force can help you to improve your further marketing strategies. Answer of the second question is Again Yes. Farm management system can help you a lot. Do you think it is easy to maintain 10-15 account books? Of course not, because some of them are co-related and if you make any change in any of them, you must change another account accordingly. If you have a medium or large farm and you need to change the account books every now and then? It is very problematic to maintain everything perfectly.

Hopefully, another most important question arises in your mind “Did my business parameters matches in software?” well, definitely NOT. Your farm has a set of unique features, which doesn’t match with any other business even same business established by other people; Because according to business management, every business has an identity and that comes from your think towards the business and that reflects everywhere in the business. Unlike a generalized word processor or an accounting package, it is completely different. The software must be developed according to your needs; in short it is called customized software.

The development process can be classified under two sections. Before doing anything the developers examine you all account books and particulars, i.e. how do you manage the accounts, how do you maintain the stock, income and expenditure account maintain process and the co-relation between the accounts. Based on that, the developers will develop the prototype of the software or rather better to say, the beta version of the software and launch for testing. After testing, if any bug / problem or any feature is missing is found then they fix them immediately test again and finally implement the software into that specific farm. Finally, if the business owner needs the training about the software or the automation process, the software company provides that also.

Article Source : to use Farm Management Software_66111.aspx

Author Resource :
Tenacious Systems works closely with companies in 14 different countries to develop and support high quality, low cost, vertical business management solutions. Our flagship TSL Farm Management ERP and Packhouse Inventory solutions are an example of specialized business management solutions with exceptional attention to detail.

Keywords : Farm Software, Farm ERP, Farm Management, Farm Traceability, Packhouse Traceability, Free Farm Software, Farm Inventory, Pack,

Category : Computers : Software

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