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How to create the perfect solar home

Posted On : Sep-29-2011 | seen (277) times | Article Word Count : 369 |

Neco has advised many households on sustainable living, and our website has a large selection of quality solutions to make your perfect solar home, help you save money, and help the environment.
Government incentives plus reasonable solar prices mean turning your house into a solar home is one of today's most effective pathways towards more sustainable living. To take the most advantage of solar you need to purchase a well sized solar system and reduce your home’s energy usage. Which means you will be saving money and the environment by living in a more sustainable way.

Getting the perfect solar system for your home
Your perfect solar home needs a correctly sized solar system on its roof. How do you decide what system is best for your home? The best way to do this is to take your current usage, budget, roof space and ask if you want to reduce or to eliminate your power bill. Once you have looked at all these factors it’s best to contact a solar expert so they can advise you on the best system for you. Go with a company that includes a pre-purchase inspection so that an expert can visit your home and make sure you will not have any hidden costs.

Other important things to consider in regards to your solar power are the different electricity retailers’ deals, the quality of the solar power system, ongoing maintenance and warranties.

Sustainable living –reduce your energy usage.

They are many ways you can make your solar home more efficient. Important things to look at are how you are currently using electricity, how well your home is insulated and how to stop draughts. If you can find solutions to these problems your home will use less energy.

Ways to make your home more efficient:

• Change your Halogen downlights for LED downlights and save up to a quarter off your bill.

• Add a Future Switch or Eco Switch to your solar home to reduce energy usage by turning appliances of at the wall.

• Add insulation to your home and reduce the need for heating and cooling.

• Add DraftStoppas and other devices to reduce draughts throughout your home and use less heating.

These tricks can help your home be more efficient and by doing so reduce your bills and make your home a solar home.

Article Source : to create the perfect solar home_87262.aspx

Author Resource :
Katinka Kernutt is the Marketing Manager of Neco, one of Australia’s leading providers of solar power, solar hot water, water and energy saving products. Neco has advised many households on sustainable living, and our website has a large selection of quality solutions to make your perfect solar home, help you save money, and help the environment. For details, visit

Keywords : Sustainable living, solar home, Solar panel, Energy efficiency,

Category : Business : Customer Service

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