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Myrna Stephenson has 4 Published Articles

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How to convert your viewers into customers

Posted On : Oct-17-2011 | seen (161) times | Article Word Count : 643 |

Have you ever asked yourself the question "how do I make my video stand out?" And perhaps more importantly, "how do I get people to take action?" if so then please read on.
"48 hours of video are uploaded every minute" claims YouTube.

That's great for YouTube, and consumers of video. But for the business owner or marketer it begs the question - "how do I make my video stand out?" And perhaps more importantly, "how do I get people to take action?"

There are many reasons for using online video within your business; brand awareness, positioning you as an expert, showcasing new products, creating a buzz, or triggering an emotional response to your product or service.

But probably the most common, and the most important is; converting viewers into customers.

To achieve this you must concentrate on conversion. And to do that you must "focus on the viewer, not on yourself".

There are lots of ways to do this, here are few …

1. Illustrate how you have helped your clients. Talk about the problem the customer had and how you solved it. People love hearing about other people like them.

2. What do people always ask you? Every business has common questions, those questions that almost every customer asks. Use video to answer those common questions. After all it's clear that's what most people want to know.

3. Be an expert, not a salesperson. Your videos should be educational and relevant to your target market. Don't try to sell. No one wants to watch a sales video, but they are interested in your expertise. So showcase that and focus on the needs of your customers.

4. Pay attention to quality. Its easy for almost anyone to make their own video; grab a flip cam, sit on the sofa, off you go! But is this really the image you want to give? We know we probably shouldn't, but we all judge others based on the image they present. So if your video is low quality and unprofessional - that's what your viewers will think of you. Is that what you want?

5. A friendly smile goes a long way. It might feel a bit unnatural but smiling while you talk really helps to make you more approachable. That doesn't mean you have to have the fixed grin of "the Joker" - just a gentle, natural smile. It will soften your face and add a light to your eyes. And people will feel more comfortable contacting you.

6. Keep it brief. Most people are looking for quick information. So keep your video short and get to the point quickly. And tell them how short the video is. If someone knows that within 2-3 minutes they will have the information they want they are far more likely to watch. So, keep it short and tell them it's short.

7. Include a call to action. If you want your viewers to take an action - tell them what it is and how to do it. Ask yourself; what is the goal of your video? Do you want them to call you? Or should they fill out an online contact form? Is there a book or report you want them to download? Decide what you want them to do and tell them the action you'd like them to take. Don't leave them wondering what to do next.

8. Be interested, not interesting. People often worry about being interesting. If you've followed the points above then you are 90% of the way there. People are always more interested in themselves than they are in you - so make your video about them. But there is a little extra you can also do - and this is about you! Show that you love your subject, that you are interested in it, that this is your passion. It's almost impossible not to be inspired by someone who is passionate about their subject - so let your enthusiasm shine through.

Article Source : to convert your viewers into customers_92877.aspx

Author Resource :
My Web Presenters are a leading Corporate Video Production & Web Presenter Video specialist. We work with businesses of all sizes to create compelling and emotive video that helps them to communicate with their specific audience. We also run a blog and write articles on video production and video marketing. Call us on UK: 0845 003 8359 or US: 0800 475 7599.

Keywords : business video, succesful video production, Video production, videos for sales, videos that convert,

Category : Business : Business

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