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How to Tell if You Need General or Personal Financial Advice

Posted On : Oct-06-2022 | seen (166) times | Article Word Count : 427 |

Many people don’t know the difference between general and personal financial advice.
Many people don’t know the difference between general and personal financial advice. In this guide, you’ll learn how to distinguish the two, as well as what to expect from each type of financial advisor, depending on your specific situation. You’ll also learn when it’s important to seek out general or personal financial advice.

An Overview of General Financial Advice

General financial advice won't necessarily consider your personal situation or what your goals are, or how it might affect you personally. Information about financial matters or answers to general questions can be included in general financial advice. An Overview of Personal Financial Advice

Personal financial advice can help you manage your finances more effectively. This is especially important when you’re younger and beginning to take on more responsibility for your own finances. When you have a personal financial advisor, they can help you with things like tax preparation, budgeting, credit repair, retirement planning, and investment strategies.

What Is Meant by ‘General’ vs. ‘Personal’?

Do you know the difference between general and personal financial advice? They both sound like they could be good for you, but it’s not always that simple. General financial advice is typically directed towards all people in a similar situation to yours (e.g., buying a house, saving for retirement). Personal financial advice, on the other hand, deals with your specific needs and finances (e.g., managing your budget). So which type of advisor do you need for financial planning?

If your financial goals are specific and don't involve a whole lot of complexity, then general advice may be sufficient. However, if you're trying to figure out what investments are best for you and how they can impact your future financial goals, you will want personal advice.

The Bottom Line

Financial advisors are split into two categories: general and personal. The difference between the two is that general financial advisors will make recommendations based on broad economic trends, while personal financial advisors focus on your individual needs. Both may be good for a variety of reasons; it's important to know which type of advisor you need before making any decisions.

If you want to talk about the markets in terms of what they mean for your portfolio, go with a general financial advisor. However, if you're looking for advice about how much money should be in your retirement fund every year, go with a personal financial advisor. Most importantly, you should hire the right financial consultant to find the skilled financial advisor you require.

Article Source : to Tell if You Need General or Personal Financial Advice_329898.aspx

Author Resource :
The author of this article is a qualified financial advisor. In this article, he explains the difference between general and personal financial advice. For more details, visit

Keywords : financial advisor, financial planning, financial consultant,

Category : Business : Business

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