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How to Protect your Civil Rights-Civil Rights Attorney

Posted On : Sep-17-2011 | seen (419) times | Article Word Count : 451 |

A civil rights violation should be an affront to all Americans. Every U.S. citizen is afforded the protection of the United States constitution when it comes to important personal liberties or civil rights. We are legally allowed to openly speak, to freely assemble such as in public demonstrations, to vote, to be given due process in the court system, to be free of excessive fines, bails and unusual or cruel punishment, the right to a speedy trial, the right to equal protection under the law and
A civil rights violation should be an affront to all Americans. Every U.S. citizen is afforded the protection of the United States constitution when it comes to important personal liberties or civil rights. We are legally allowed to openly speak, to freely assemble such as in public demonstrations, to vote, to be given due process in the court system, to be free of excessive fines, bails and unusual or cruel punishment, the right to a speedy trial, the right to equal protection under the law and privacy from unwarranted and unreasonable intrusion by the government. It is considered discrimination if your civil rights are interfered with or denied due to the fact you are a member of a particular class or group of individuals that have similar traits or characteristics such as religion, race, age, sex or disabilities. This is where a knowledgeable civil rights attorney can make all the difference.

Some examples of civil rights violations might include being arrested or taking part in a political demonstration that was peaceful, participating in a US flag burning, being assaulted or beaten by a police officer without proper justification, being denied the ability to vote because of skin color and sex, etc. If you believe your civil rights have been violated, there are important steps to take right away.

First and foremost write down every detail surrounding the injustice while you can still recall minute details. Write down any witness information and conversations about who said what and to whom they said it. Make sure you follow the required process for filing a complaint with the proper governmental agency or authorities. Talk to a civil rights attorney to find out if your claim has the merits to take to court. These cases can be very hard to win because in most cases actual financial losses and any damages are hard to prove.

Another reason cases are difficult to win is that you need proof that there was a discriminatory motive, that the discrimination took place due to your personal traits or characteristics. You might also need to prove that a pattern of unfair treatment toward other individuals with your characteristics has also taken place. It is important to contact a civil rights attorney to make sure that your complaint is taken seriously and not put on a back burner.

Whether you are a victim of housing discrimination, employment discrimination, age discrimination, disabled discrimination, gender discrimination, false imprisonment, false arrest, police abuse or any other form of a civil rights violation, consult with a North Jersey civil rights attorney who will review the evidence in your case and provide a recommended course of legal action.

Article Source : to Protect your Civil Rights-Civil Rights Attorney_82952.aspx

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Keywords : civil rights attorney, civil rights violations, Newark civil rights attorney ,

Category : Reference and Education : Legal

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