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How to Paint Your Own Furniture

Posted On : Dec-09-2014 | seen (548) times | Article Word Count : 418 |

Are you looking to give your old furniture a face lift? With these tips, you can save money by breathing life into furniture you already have!
Painting your own furniture not only saves you quite a bit of money, but you can thoroughly customize its look and feel to match any room in your home. You can get started by gathering a few essentials. Make sure you have painter's tape, latex primer, 220 grit sandpaper, oil-based paints, and paint brushes on hand.

1. Prepare the furniture. If the piece has drawers, remove them all and set them aside. Mark each separate part with a specific number to remember where each goes. If the furniture has hardware, remove all of it and store in a safe place, such as a jar or bag.

2. Begin sanding. Be sure to lightly sand every surface of the piece of furniture. Regardless of the age of the furniture, sanding is mandatory. Brush off any excess dust when you're finished.

3. Evenly prime the piece and allow it to dry. For hardware/metal that is attached to the furniture, mask it using the painter's tape. Lay a tarp down on a workbench or counter, and rest the piece on it so that it can dry. Make sure the piece is arranged on the tarp in such a way that it's easy to work above.

4. Sand again. Once the primer has dried, it's possible that wood fibers or dust have remained.

5. Paint from top to bottom. It's important to always paint in a downward direction in order to cover any drips on the bottom with the final layer of paint. If you want a marble effect for your piece, lightly pounce the brush on the surface to create a mottled appearance. Always use darker colors for initial coats of paint when going for a marble effect. As you add more layers, use lighter colors to create a blend between the colors.

6. Create veins in the marble look. Using a small paintbrush, drag small, black streaks through the mottled paint to imitate veins.

7. Stroke from side to side. When painting your furniture piece, always glide your brush from side to side as you work downwards, rather than in a vertical fashion. This will prevent bleeding, and you'll have a much better chance at a solid appearance once the piece dries.

8. Continue applying paint coats. If the color isn't solid, you will need to keep applying layers of paint. Once you're finished, allow the paint to dry. Replace all the removed hardware and slide the drawers back in.

Article Source : to Paint Your Own Furniture_308599.aspx

Author Resource :
Are you looking to give your old furniture a face lift? With these tips, you can save money by breathing life into furniture you already have!

Keywords : furniture, furniture store, furniture stores,

Category : Home and Family : Home Improvement

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