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Robert Butwin has 12 Published Articles

United States of America,
Santa Rosa,
1051 Slate Drive,
Santa Rosa

How to Listen

Posted On : Mar-11-2010 | seen (652) times | Article Word Count : 556 |

If this is your first year in network marketing, or if this is your twentieth year in multi level marketing, you can probably benefit from some prospecting tips to help with selling your mlm opportunity to more people.
If this is your first year in network marketing, or if this is your twentieth year in multi level marketing, you can probably benefit from some prospecting tips to help with selling your mlm opportunity to more people. The multilevel marketing industry provides one of the best opportunities available today for people to become successful with a home based business and lead the lifestyles that they enjoy.

In today’s market, recruiting a downline mlm can take place in several ways. You can find mlm leads online, develop a downline through the internet and have great success with the internet marketing industry. Many of the best companies in the business take advantage of blogs, articles, ebooks and various other online strategies and use the internet to attract opportunity seekers to their companies.

However, many people still prefer the direct “belly to belly” recruitment approach for success in building their businesses. If you prefer building your group by personally talking to prospective downline members, it is very important to have the right tools and training. If you want to know how to succeed in your first year in the network marketing business, the best tip you can get is one word – listen.

The best secret to wealth creation through multilevel marketing is not great products, a helpful upline, free leads, the best company, a list of prospects or advertising - although those are very important. The most valuable thing you can do is to learn how to listen. If you have not been consciously trying to be a good listener, chances are that your business is not growing like it could be if you had that skill.

Little things make a big difference when you are talking with someone. Look the person in the eye and acknowledge him. After he finishes speaking, pause for a few seconds. This gives him the message that what he had to say was important to you, and you are reflecting on it before responding. If you begin speaking right away – or worse yet, interrupt him – he gets the idea that you did not listen to him but were thinking about your response while he was talking.

Listen for the speaker’s emotional message and acknowledge his feelings. Respond by stating what you understand his feelings to be. Depending on what he said, you might say something like, “You seem to feel that you do not know how to sell or have the personality for a business opportunity involving sales.” This shows him that you acknowledge him and gives him a chance to clarify your perception of his statements.

Effective listening helps to show that you care and that you respect the person speaking. It helps you to gain knowledge of the person’s feelings and find solutions to his problems. To be a good listener you should:

Give the speaker your undivided attention
Acknowledge that you heard what he said
Clarify your perception of what you heard
Respond to what he said

You will find that good listening skills are invaluable whether you recruit business builders in person or online with instant messaging forums, chat rooms, facebook, interactive webinars, and interactive tele-classes. You will make more money when you use a resource that you already have – and it is free – listening.

Article Source : to Listen_13097.aspx

Author Resource :
Robert Butwin is a natural coach and author of the book Street Smart Networking, first published in 1994 to share his success secrets with others.

Keywords : business, mlm leads, multilevel, prospecting, online, tips, forum, system, tools, internet, training, downline, recruiting, o,

Category : Business : Business

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