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Patricia Kagwiria Makhul has 7 Published Articles

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How To Get Your Mary Kay Seminar Goals Accomplished In 90 Days!!

Posted On : Mar-27-2010 | seen (671) times | Article Word Count : 634 |

Mary Kay Ash said you "can't fill the bathtub with the drain open." It is important to know how to shut down that "Revolving Door" you know the one referred to as "T Status" :Those on your Unit that have terminated?
Mary Kay Ash said you "can't fill the bathtub with the drain open." It is important to know how to shut down that "Revolving Door" you know the one referred to as "T Status" :Those on your Unit that have terminated?

UNIT RETENTION is going to be your new favorite word. You will no longer need to worry about the "T - Status"

Imagine trying to hold on to a set of 400lb dumbbells and swimming across the English Channel at the same time. As much as I love to swim, and as adventurous as I may be, that's one feat I'm not attempting for all the money in the world!


Because dead weight sinks!

"Learn to walk away from an unprofitable sale. You'll do a better job of selling and serving customers when you feel you've received a fair price for your effort." ~ Mark Sanborn

But as a business consultant I talk to far too many people who try to hold on to the human equivalent of 400lb dumbbells in their business.

Let them go and do not beg people to stay, their time and season is over and your new beginning is here with a whole new group of people that are already looking.

"Did you know there are people looking for you already? You just haven't shown up.

If what you are doing is not working for you as a Director then isn't it time for UNIT MAKEOVER?

We all know that the definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Here's the raw deal:

Either people want to be successful or they don't. End of story. You're running a business not an extension of the Red Cross. Don't get caught up in "rescue mentality" and think that you are a master motivator and people will be so moved by your words that they will transform overnight into money making machines. It isn't happening!

Now there are exceptions to the rule as with anything in life. However, from my experience people are in the situation they're in simply because they put themselves there and aren't willing to do anything to get themselves out. They play the blame game and hold everyone and everything but themselves accountable. They wait for someone else to solve their problems for them and will even fight against someone wanting to help.

They drain your time, your energy and leave you emotionally and often financially spent. This is what is known as the Sanborn Maxim: "The customers who are willing to pay you the least will always demand the most."

Take a bit of advice from me – cut your losses and cut them loose. As cold as it may sound, it's either your success or their continued failure. Which would you rather have?

How can you tell if you're hanging on to dead weight? Does any of this sound familiar:

- You end up hosting every home party because they're "just not ready yet".

- You forgot what their voice sounds like because it's been so long since you've been able to reach them.

- The same dead-beat prospects stand you up over and over again with the lamest excuses (I am going to sell my body for cash is one that I still remember vividly and to this day have not coined a response!)


I know when you first start out there is the fear that if you let go then you have lost, but if you keep hanging on you gain nothing! Know this, dead downlines don't lie. Let them go, let them go, let them go.

Article Source : To Get Your Mary Kay Seminar Goals Accomplished In 90 Days!!_14784.aspx

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Keywords : training mary kay consultants, gloria mayfield banks, mary kay ash, mary kay cosmetics, touch of pink, satin hands, marykayin,

Category : Business : Business

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