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How To Fix Computer Sounds Error

Posted On : Aug-07-2011 | seen (324) times | Article Word Count : 479 |

Windows Driver may get corrupted after making changes on your computer. However this may be fixed easily if you know what to do.
Upgraded to Windows 7 from earlier Windows Operating System version and one of your devices sopped working? This will happen especially after following issues happened on your computer:
1. Virus infection
2. Installation of new application or software
3. Download and installation of Windows update
4. Installation of new device
5. or simple after rooting you computer

Whatever may be the reason that causes your computer sounds to stop this procedure will try to help you fix the issue.

In computer troubleshooting, last thing that happened would most of the time give a good clue on how to fix the issue. Below is the list of error possibilities based on previous events.
1. Corrupted Windows Driver files.
May happened after:
a. Virus infection
b. Simply by rebooting your computer

2. Windows Driver Incompatibility
May happened after:
a. Downloading or installing Windows Update
b. Operating System upgrade
c. Installation of new application or software

For case 1, here is what to do:
1. Locate the Driver installer, these files would be in a CD or DVD utility disk that came with the computer. Or download corrupted driver from site’s support page. Make sure that the driver installer is the latest and stable version.

2. Install the Driver. Driver files may come in different file type like .exe, zip or extracted version. However most of the time it comes in .exe file which is easier to use. Double click the file to start installation.

3. Installation process may vary from maker to maker and from devices to devices but the idea is to simply install the driver. If you’re installing printer, scanner or webcam, you may also need to install the application tool to manage the device. Lastly click Finish to complete the installation.

For case 2, here is what to do:
Windows Driver incompatibility also requires replacement or update of drivers, then solution for case 1 is also applicable in this case, however there are different options for fixing these issues.
Option 1: System Restore
This option is good when error is immediately noticed.
1. Go to Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> System Restore. System Restore window will open.

2. Click “Restore my computer to an earlier time”

3. Click Next.

4. Select the date from the calendar when you want to restore your computer.

5. Click the specific Restore Point from the selected date.

6. Click Next to start the restoration.
Note: Computer will reboot to complete the process.

Option 2: Use of Windows Driver Tool
This option will may be use to fix all Windows Driver issues with 99% mark. That is why I use this other than other option. For Sound Drivers for Windows XP here is what I use: and this one for all other Drives:

Article Source : To Fix Computer Sounds Error_71789.aspx

Author Resource :
Computer enthusiast sharing professional and personal experiences troubleshooting Sound and Audio Drivers and other computer problems.

Keywords : Windows Drivers, Troubleshooting Windows Drivers,

Category : Computers : Software

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