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How To Compose Graduation Announcements And Invitations

Posted On : Jan-25-2012 | seen (259) times | Article Word Count : 473 |

Graduation is an important event in a person’s life. It marks their academic achievement and the hard work they put in to obtain a graduation.
Graduation is an important event in a person’s life. It marks their academic achievement and the hard work they put in to obtain a graduation. Whether high school, college or medical school, it is essential to send out graduation announcements to your friends and family as an acknowledgment of the graduate’s achievements. By forwarding these announcements, you can take the opportunity to notify them of the event, especially those that may be too far to attend the graduation service. It still a courteous gesture to send them graduation invitations.

Graduation Invitations Or Announcements?

Upon selecting your graduation invitations or announcements, it is time to word the invite. Before penning down your words, decide whether the card is an invitation to the graduation ceremony or simply an announcement to inform your contacts of the graduate’s accomplishment. The words don’t always have to be innovative; you can choose to write simple words or something more creative. It is your choice. Include an additional statement of the graduate’s achievements as well as any other words that praises his or her hard work.

Whether you are sending out graduation announcements or invitations, make sure to mention the graduate’s name, the school and the specialty or major of the graduate. For invitations, be sure to mention the date, time and the venue of the graduation service. The wording of the graduation

Assembling The Graduation Cards

Once you receive your order of graduation announcements or invitations, spend sufficient time assembling the cards with the envelopes and writing down the addresses on the envelopes. As with any postal mail, make sure to write the names and the addresses of the receivers clearly and legibly for the mail man and the post office. Sometimes graduation invitations come with an outer and an inner envelope. The larger of the two is the mailing envelope, while the smaller contains the invitation card and slides into the larger one. Address your contacts formally since a graduation is a formal event.

When To Post

Mail your cards depending on whether they are graduation announcements or invites. If they are announcements, they can be sent soon after the graduation service or a few more days later. If inviting your friends and family to the ceremony or graduation dinner, post your cards much in advance to give them sufficient time to plan their attendance. Giving out graduation invitations at a short notice does not give the attendees enough time to plan ahead. However, even if your invitations are delayed, it is still a special feeling for your receivers to know that they were found worthy enough to attend the special event.

In the event the student failed to graduate, do not send out the announcements or the invitations, even if they have been printed.

Article Source : To Compose Graduation Announcements And Invitations_139007.aspx

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