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How Shipping Insurance Is Useful While Making A Claim?

Posted On : Aug-04-2011 | seen (266) times | Article Word Count : 438 |

If you are moving from one state to another, or to a different country, you will be transferring the household items, your car and other vehicles by shipment.
If you are moving from one state to another, or to a different country, you will be transferring the household items, your car and other vehicles by shipment. You need to take insurance coverage for the total value of the items which are moved to prevent it against any loss due to natural disaster during transit. The vessel is prone to risks such as accident or sudden natural outburst like heavy rain and wind. There is every possibility that the products you ship may get damaged and hence you need to take shipping insurance while transferring items by ship. It is absolutely necessary for importers and exporters who ship huge quantity of products to take shipping insurance for their products. In case they do not insure for the items there would be heavy loss and it is difficult to recover from such losses. The carrier will pay never pay for your losses and you would lose huge investment of money if something unexpected happens.

There are several brokers and agents who help you in getting insurance while shipping your products. It is not difficult to find one if you research it on the web. Alternatively your carrier will find you one such insurance company which meets your requirements. Before taking a policy you must meet the agent and clarify your doubts completely. Lot of insurance companies provides you coverage for exporting and importing products around the globe. They charge you on the basis of the value of the products shipped. You should read the policy carefully clearing the doubts then and there. Then you will be asked to sign customs form and ensure you are given original invoice and all other documents such as insurance policy and certificates. These documents are absolutely necessary if you raise a claim in case of theft or damage or any natural disaster. You can insure any items and products which you feel worth insuring. Normally all items are covered under insurance except for few perishing products.

In case you want to make a claim against shipping insurance, you should first inform the insurance company or agent about the loss. He would then arrange for survey of the value of the loss and you have to lodge a complaint stating the monetary claim for which you have taken insurance. Further you should submit the original insurance policy and other documents and invoice bill. Also give the value of the property as provided by the shipping company. A list of packing along with copies of letter correspondence and damage certificate issued by the shipping agency should also be enclosed.

Article Source : Shipping Insurance Is Useful While Making A Claim?_71112.aspx

Author Resource :
InsureShip offers various Shipping Insurance solutions to help your business insure all the packages it ships. Get more information on Shipping Insurance Please visit our website.

Keywords : Shipping Insurance,

Category : Business : Business

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