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How Manual Coding is helps in creating a well structured website?

Posted On : Nov-01-2011 | seen (294) times | Article Word Count : 618 |

The best cars in the world are hand crafted while the average one’s on the road come out of assembly line.
The best cars in the world are hand crafted while the average one’s on the road come out of assembly line. Similarly you should opt hand coded markup services when it comes to your website. This allows you to have absolutely unique website which is a must in this competitive industry. There are hundreds of thousands of websites live and hand coded markup services help to stand apart from the crowd. Most professional web design firms offer you manual PSD to HTML conversion services as this act as a huge advantage for your website.

Advantages of Hand Code Markup Services

Lighter Code Base : When you use an application to convert PSD to HTML you generate unnecessary lines of coding. These codes make your webpage heavy and increase its load time. This acts as a huge disadvantage as slow loading websites annoy visitors and earn a bad name for the website. With hand coded markup services your website will have a lighter code base and you will cater even to the needs of visitors using dial-up and GPRS connections.

Search Engine Optimization : A PSD to XHTML/HTML template needs to have well defined HTML/XHTML coding and an external CSS style sheet. This allows search engine crawlers to focus on the important areas of your website without having to scan through the entire code. Hand coding aids crawlers in scanning your website which results in increased traffic and revenue. Hand coding is done using sematic coding techniques where every element of your website is well defined to boost search results.

Flexibility : Let’s get it straight although many tall claims are made by the WYSIWYG editors, they can never match the flexibility of hand written codes. Most WYSIWYG editors use tables in constructing the structure of the website which serves as a major disadvantage in designing the website. Hand generated code use HTML/XHTML to define structure rather than tables which adds to the flexibility.

Consistency : Along with visual appearance, consistency plays an important role in converting your unique visitor into a returning one. The Cascading style Sheet lends consistency to your website. Auto generated codes cannot guarantee you consistency throughout the website. Manual PSD to CSS/HTML conversion will help in setting the CSS file to set uniformity throughout your website. Be it with the size of the images or the color and size of font used.

Validation : One of the major problems with machine generated codes lies in the W3C validation of your website which is very important. Professional hand coding service providers validate your website as per the standards laid by W3C which improves its structure and performance of your website.

Easy Maintenance and Updates : Once a website is developed it needs to be maintained and updated at regular intervals. This is where a big advantage of hand coding lies. Since the CSS file will be loaded externally you can change the look and feel of your website without touching the content. You won’t require visiting every page and making the changes unlike with auto generated codes.

You can very well see the advantages that hand coded markup provide in convert PSD to HTML. But to make sure you cash on these advantages the choice of the programmer is important and you shouldn’t go to an amateur even if that results less development cost. Your website is a very powerful marketing tool in your hand your PSD to HTML template needs to be done by people who have sound knowledge of coding and integration. This will help you stay ahead of the competition amongst your business rivals.

Article Source : Manual Coding is helps in creating a well structured website?_98659.aspx

Author Resource : converts your design files from various common image formats into best quality cross-browser compatible W3C validated XHTML/CSS markup. Check for our PSD to HTML, PSD to CSS/XHTML, PSD to Wordpress/drupal/magento/joomla and other conversion services.

Keywords : manual PSD to HTML conversion, convert PSD to HTML, PSD to HTML template,

Category : Internet Business : Web Design

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