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How Does a Car Accident Attorney in Los Angeles Help You?

Posted On : Jan-08-2012 | seen (387) times | Article Word Count : 597 |

Personal injury lawyers such as a car accident attorney in Los Angeles can help you get the justice you deserve. Uncover the duties of two of the most highly-sought personal injury lawyer types in L.A.
Personal injury cases are regular in today's society. Various accidents and incidents add to the demand for personal injury lawyers such as a car accident attorney in Los Angeles. You should understand how specific personal injury lawyers can help you. Be sure to supply to them information to build a more compelling case.

There are many incidents that call for the filing of personal injury cases. Two of the most frequent cases in this category are car accidents and dog bites.

Car Accident Law

Car accidents are frequent in United States. The latest report of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) suggests that over 33,000 died in car accidents in 2010. A car accident attorney in Los Angeles helps you gain settlement for injuries incurred or for wrongful death after a vehicle collision. It is possible to seek damages for both your personal injuries in addition to any damaged personal property.

Vehicle to vehicle collision cases aren't the only lawsuits your lawyer is going to handle. Car accident lawyers may also handle cases involving vehicle to property collision. In addition, they handle cases implicating car manufacturers for negligence and failure to offer sufficient safety features.

The primary goal of your lawyer is to discover the negligent party in your case. Those accountable must pay damages. Judges declare negligence once they see careless behavior like speeding or failure to adhere to basic road safety laws, like texting while driving or keeping your headlights off. Drivers who inflict harm on their passengers or other innocent bystanders are accountable to the law. Depending on the severity of damage they inflict, they need to hand over reimbursement. They could even serve jail time for serious collisions resulting in a wrongful death.

Damages consist of medical expenses, lost wages, and earning capacity. This can be applied more when there are incapacitating injuries, wrongful death, destruction to property, and reimbursement for pain and suffering.

Dog Bite Law

There were 31 deadly dog attacks in the United States in 2011. Studies say dogs bite about 4.7 million Americans each year. A dog bite attorney in Los Angeles will help you prove the canine's owner liability for their pet's actions. It is possible to obtain settlement as outlined by the Personal Injury Tort Laws.

Majority of U.S. states have tough laws holding pet owners accountable for their animals' actions. Owners won't have any defense to avoid responsibility. They shall be answerable regardless of whether there was any negligence on their part. California is one of the states following this law. Regardless if the owners have knowledge of their pet's viciousness, they will must pay you damages. As outlined by Restatement Second, section 518, comment (h) of the California Civil Code, "even ordinarily gentle animals are likely to be dangerous under particular circumstances." This places owners responsible for pinpointing which of their pets' normal behavior could turn violent. The sole defense they've got is if they claim you intentionally provoked their pet. Law enforcement agencies might not be at the mercy of this law as well, because they use canines for crime-fighting duties.

The total compensation a dog bite attorney in Los Angeles can get you depends on several factors. A judge will look at the severity of your injuries, total lost wages, medicine costs, and the pain and suffering you had to go through. You may also demand punitive damages, but only when you've got enough proof the owner was careless and purposely ordered the bite.

Article Source : Does a Car Accident Attorney in Los Angeles Help You?_130416.aspx

Author Resource :
William Haber researches and blogs about the duties of a car accident attorney Los Angeles presents as well as that of a dog bite attorney Los Angeles is offering.

Keywords : car accident attorney Los Angeles, dog bite attorney Los Angeles,

Category : Reference and Education : Legal

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