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How Do You Know A Canadian Online Pharmacy Is Legitimate

Posted On : Dec-24-2010 | seen (312) times | Article Word Count : 497 |

As increasing numbers of Americans look for a Canadian online pharmacy to supply their prescription drugs increasing numbers of unscrupulous online marketers have looked for ways to exploit this growing market.
As increasing numbers of Americans look for a Canadian online pharmacy to supply their prescription drugs increasing numbers of unscrupulous online marketers have looked for ways to exploit this growing market. High prices for prescription medication in the United States has resulted in Americans beginning to look elsewhere for affordable prescription drugs. A lack of price-control and restrictions on importation have made America one of the most expensive countries in the world in which to buy prescription medication. Just across the border in Canada, where prices are controlled, similar medications are available at prices between 50-80% lower than in the U.S. Currently there are three ways to obtain prescriptions drugs from pharmacies in Canada. Let’s look at these in turn, in increasing order of popularity.

The first is to actually cross the border and shop in person. The second is to use a mail order company. And the third is to use a Canadian online pharmacy. Criminals who seek to exploit the American need for affordable prescription medication are exploiting the second and third options to con people out of their money. If you are looking to use a Canadian online pharmacy then you must make sure than the website you choose to use is a reputable one selling genuine Canadian medicines.

Before we look at how to spot a genuine Canadian online pharmacy a word or two needs to be said in order to put the problem of bogus online pharmacies into perspective. The problem, although real, has been somewhat exaggerated. The U.S. drugs companies have done a lot to advertise the potential problems of using online pharmacies. This is to be expected, when genuine Canadian online pharmacies are undercutting their prices by up to 80%. Secondly, since the popularity of online pharmacies has increased overzealous and unscrupulous internet marketers have send out millions of emails advertising Canadian pharmacies, filling up people’s email account with unwanted spam. While the sites they are advertising on the whole have been legitimate, the unwanted spam has given the entire business a bad name. Note that it is highly unlikely that the Canadian online pharmacies themselves sent out spam, rather a minority of misguided affiliates.

How to spot a genuine Canadian online pharmacy

The first thing to check when to visit a Canadian pharmacy online is to see if they have their license number and physical address listed on the website. The website should also list the telephone number of the pharmacy. If in doubt, telephone the pharmacy and ask for their credentials. Check that they do indeed own a website and that the URL of their website matches the one you are currently viewing. A second check to make is that the website carries the CIPA seal. This is the regulatory body of Canadian pharmacies and shows that this online pharmacy is a certified international pharmacy. Finally, only buy medicine from a Canadian pharmacy that requires you to have a prescription for that medicine.

Article Source : Do You Know A Canadian Online Pharmacy Is Legitimate_45839.aspx

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