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Home Remedies for Muscle Sprain - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen

Posted On : Aug-03-2011 | seen (197) times | Article Word Count : 415 |

Muscle sprain may affect the people of any age and gender. Sometimes injury to knees, elbows, ankle and wrists leads to the problem of muscle sprains.
Sprain is related with an injury to ligaments. Muscle sprain is a very painful problem. It may affect the people of any age and gender. Sometimes due to injury to knees, elbows, wrists and ankle leads to the problem of muscle sprains. Due to injury swelling is caused in the muscles and it result into sprain. It may prevent you from performing different kinds of activities and you may suffer from terrible discomfort.

Initially you can treat this sprain problem by using natural remedies. If by using certain home remedies for muscle sprain don't show any positive effect then you may contact some doctor for your problem. Different home remedies for muscle sprain are there. You may try the natural remedies for sprain which suits you the best. Some remedies are given below:

1. Application of the ice over the affected area is the first aid for getting relief from the pain. It is a popular home remedy for sprain. Application of the ice will make it numb and you will not feel any pain.

2. Usually for this problem of sprain, people use Epson salt. For this you have to add Epson salt in a hot bath by following certain instructions like, you have to add one cup of salt for every gallon of water. After this you should soak your affected muscle in this water for at least 10-15 minutes. You should always remember that the water should not be too hot and after taking bath cover the affected area with bandage. This home remedy for muscle sprain is used by many people.

3. You can also use some oil as the home remedies for sprain as they have the healing properties. You can also massage the affected are with garlic oil as it is a powerful anti-inflammatory agents. It may alleviate your sprain effectively and speedily. You can also use clove oil for massaging your affected area.

4. One of the excellent natural remedies for muscle sprain is the combination of sesame oil and black pepper. Mix one teaspoon of black pepper powder with some sesame oil. Heat this mixture and apply it cools down.

5. You can also take ginger as it is very much helpful in reducing the inflammation. You can also take the help of Boswelia as it seems to reduce the stiffness of joints and also your pain.

Hope above remedies will help you in getting relief from muscle sprain naturally.

Article Source : Remedies for Muscle Sprain - Natural Remedy From Your Kitchen_70853.aspx

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Read more Home Remedies for Muscle Sprain. Also know useful Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion. Read effective Home Remedies for Nausea.

Keywords : home remedies for muscle sprain, muscle sprain home remedies, muscle sprain remedies, natural remedies for muscle sprain, nat,

Category : Health and Fitness : Alternative Medicine

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