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History Of Computers

Posted On : Nov-23-2010 | seen (600) times | Article Word Count : 418 |

This article explains the history of computers about how computers are developed gradually using new technologies and advancements.Initially computers were built with vacuum tubes by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert at University of Pennsylvania.
This article explains the history of computers about how computers are developed gradually using new technologies and advancements.Initially computers were built with vacuum tubes by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert at University of Pennsylvania.

It can be regarded as the first general purpose electronic digital computer with a weight of almost 30 tons occupying 1500 square feet of space and consuming almost 140 KW of power.It was able to do 5000 additions per second using decimal addition. Here the programs have to be entered and changed by hand as there was no representation of programs in the way appropriate for storing in the memory.

Then Von Neumann machine was developed with the method for storing the programs in the form of memory so that the computer can be able to retrieve its instructions from the memory and also the program can be altered though the memoryThis concept was called the stored program concept developed at Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies. This can be treated as the foundation stone for the coming generations of computers.

Universal Automatic Computer I (UNIVAC I) was the first successful commercial computer developed by Eckert and Mauchly corporation which then became part of UNIVAC division of Sperry-Rand corporation that went on build a series of successor machines. UNIVAC II was built with more capacity of memory and better performance than UNIVAC I.One of the major revolutions occurred in computer industry by replacing vacuum tubes with transistors as transistors are very tiny, cheaper with low heat dissipation compared to vacuum tubes.

Also later the high level programming languages were used along with increase in the complexity of ALU and control units. Later due to the developments in the integrated circuits technology, using Large Scale Integration (LSI) more than 1000 components were incorporated on an Integrated Circuit.Then using VLSI, more than 100000 components were incorporated on single chip making it denser. Consequently the number of chips needed for a processor was decreased.

Also as the distance between the components are decreased due to the reduction in the size of the microprocessor components, the speed of the processors is greatly enhanced.

With more advancements and new technologies new models of computers have been released consistently. But the companies try to make their new machines upward compatible with their already released models so that all the programs which have been executing in the earlier models will also execute in the newer ones.Not to mention this is mainly for their customers.

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With this article Tech Students World explains the computers history about how computers are developed gradually using new technologies and advancements. FOr more information about history of computer please visit:

Keywords : computers, about computers, new technologies,

Category : Computers : Computers

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