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tomas ston has 17 Published Articles

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He is not my Mr. Right?

Posted On : Nov-10-2011 | seen (268) times | Article Word Count : 444 |

When I come back to school, I am in silence again. I get off the red short party dress, and swear I never wear it. I can not control myself to cry. He is a friend, just a friend. He has a girlfriend. I laugh at myself it is a dream, it is not real. I must concentrate on my study. I determine to forget him and cut off the relate with him.
This is the third day. In the morning I wake up early cause the door bell ring. I open the door and a delicate box appears into my sight. I remember that is my gift. I open the box and spot a short party dress at the bottom of the box. I swallow the word, I can’t say any word for the dress is charming enough. At a very moment, my phone ring. It is him. He asks me if I receive his gift. He wants me wear it and enjoy his birthday party. I say yes with a happy voice. In the afternoon, I choose a pair of black shoes which can match this red short party dress. I doubt that it is me. The girl who is in the mirror looks full of passions than before. And I have confidence than before. The short party dress is rather suitable for me than long party dress. I am satisfied to my image. I sit in the chair and wait for the times up. Finally I can go to the party.
I take a taxi and come to the place where is the party held in. That is a big garden and I take off the taxi, look around and step into with a smile. At the central of this garden I find him, he is in a white suit today. I am attractive again, I walk toward him. When I am very close to him, I find another beautiful girl stand by him. At this moment, he finds me either. He walks toward me with his charming smile. I stand there and smile too. Then he point to the girl and says she is her girlfriend. I can’t describe the feeling at the second even forget to say something. I merely remember the girl smile in a proud way. She is in a short party dress either. That is a green one, the color is so bright. It is so bright that shined my eyes. I almost burst into tears, but I don’t. I stand there as a fool and forget to move. I think maybe don’t know how to move. My legs are too heavy to step up.
When I come back to school, I am in silence again. I get off the red short party dress, and swear I never wear it. I can not control myself to cry. He is a friend, just a friend. He has a girlfriend. I laugh at myself it is a dream, it is not real. I must concentrate on my study. I determine to forget him and cut off the relate with him.

Article Source : is not my Mr. Right?_102871.aspx

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