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Have you tried an Electronic Cigarette?

Posted On : Sep-09-2010 | seen (364) times | Article Word Count : 509 |

There are several options to smokers to help them quit smoking. One of the items that are available is called an Electronic Cigarette.
There are several options to smokers to help them quit smoking. One of the items that are available is called an Electronic Cigarette. An Electronic Cigarette is a replica of a cigarette that even has a red LED light at the end of it that appears to be the lit end of a cigarette.

If you are a smoker you know how difficult it is to stop. In some cases you can’t stop. You may have tried hypnosis or something similar. This may or may not work very well depending on how susceptible you are to being hypnotized. Some people simply cannot be hypnotized so this would not work to help that person quit smoking.

In many places today around the world smoking has been outlawed. Some places even go so far as to outlaw smoking within ten or twenty of a building or the same from a public building. Very few airports allow smoking. Many cities have outlawed smoking in restaurants. Some states have outlawed smoking in bars too. Really, what is better than having a smoke with your drink? Instead they have put up rain shields and an outdoor ashtray and then you can stand outside and drink while you smoke even if it is raining.

In other words, if you smoke in many places you have become a pariah. Even though you may not want to stop smoking you are getting peer pressure to stop. So how do you really go about doing this? Well, for one you could continue to smoke and take breath mints and douse yourself with cologne or perfume or stand under your stove exhaust fan so all of your smoke goes up and out of the exhaust fan. But neither of these diversions works very well. The fact remains you are still smoking, albeit hiding it or at least trying to hide it. And the ceilings and walls will still turn a brownish color which is hard to hide without repainting the whole place.

One way to stop smoking is to use a substitute such as a nicotine based product like nicotine gum or the nicotine patch. But there is another invention that is available and it is the Electronic Cigarette. It looks like a cigarette so that instead of fidgeting all of the time looking for something to hold onto you could purchase one of these.

One of the problems people have with smoking is second hand smoke, especially now that it has been proved to be as bad for the bystander as the original smoke is to the smoker. This cigarette invention uses nicotine so your body is still getting some nicotine but it is not getting any of the other hundreds of ingredients that come in a real cigarette. But it does not have any second hand smoke simply because it doesn’t actually smoke or really burn.

One thing is for certain, with all of the anti-smoking sentiments around you can be certain you may only be allowed to smoke in isolation.

Article Source : you tried an Electronic Cigarette?_32322.aspx

Author Resource :
Electronic Cigarette Tavern is dedicated to spreading the word about the revolunatary new alternative to smoking, the electronic cigarette. For details visit

Keywords : Electronic Cigarette, E Cigarette, Electric Cigarette, Smokeless Cigarette, E Cig, Stop Smoking,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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