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Have you got a Sirian accent?

Posted On : Dec-08-2011 | seen (288) times | Article Word Count : 539 |

It appears thousands of iPhone 4s users are having complications with Siri understanding them, with some even boldly asking “Is Siri racist?”- That may be pushing it for a voice controlled feature, but some users around the world are really getting frustrated.
As the excitement of the iPhone 4s and its voice controlled feature Siri take to the world, the question on everyone’s home button is (literally) “Why doesn’t Siri understand me?”

It appears thousands of iPhone 4s users are having complications with Siri understanding them, with some even boldly asking “Is Siri racist?”- That may be pushing it for a voice controlled feature, but some users around the world are really getting frustrated.

Some iPhone 4s users on forums claim to have only bought the iPhone 4s for the Siri feature and are now disappointed that they don’t have the best communications with Mr. Siri.

We take a look at some of the most common complaints.

Top of the list for reporting problems are users with strong Indian, Japanese and Scottish accents. It appears to be the vowels that Siri has a problem with and users grammatical sentencing. There is a you tube video of a Japanese man asking “What weather for today?” and Siri innocently replying “Which Linda do you want to call”…very frustrating for the poor guy, but perhaps the grammar needs to be correct for Siri to pick it up, no offense but as the old saying goes “ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer”.

The fact is, as much as the words are correct, you need to ask Siri a grammatically correct question to receive an appropriate response. Many users say that if they slow down, Siri picks up accents just fine, as long as the grammar is correct.

We tried Siri out with some of our accents and it appeared to work perfectly asking in a heavy Scottish accent “What time is it?” and Siri also responded well to Indian accents using clear English vocabulary.

The question is should we be taking Siri so seriously? It’s a novelty feature that will take some time to evolve. Some love it, some hate it but come on, Siri’s new, let’s not start being rude to him just yet.

To see how Siri felt about these latest comments we asked Siri “Are you popular” to which he responded “We were talking about you, not me”

Ooooh don’t be so defensive Siri! :)

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Article Source : you got a Sirian accent?_115902.aspx

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