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HVAC Barber Colman Control Boxes

Posted On : Aug-29-2011 | seen (211) times | Article Word Count : 640 |

Heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are common in many offices and commercial establishments. In fact scaled down systems are finding their way in many modern homes.
Heat, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are common in many offices and commercial establishments. In fact scaled down systems are finding their way in many modern homes. And rightfully so considering the comfort and well-being it brings to the occupants. Aside from providing comfortable temperature and humidity, an efficient HVAC system brings about proper ventilation and clean air within the interior of the edifice.

The HVAC Control System

The brain of the system is the central controller, which allows the manipulation and setting of the different components. In HVAC systems for home use, this can be in the form of a simple control for thermostat, fan speed, timer, etc.Commercial HVAC systems have more complicated controls housed in a panel. In the early days of HVAC systems, controls were pneumatic in nature.Principles of thermodynamics were used to control the flow of air.However, advances in electronics brought about the popularity of electronic switches.

Presently, computerized controllers are common. More often than not, these are programmable utilizing a direct digital control (DDC) code. Aside from the temperature and fan speed, timers, schedules, alarms, and other functions can be set.This is the case with Barber Colman control boxes, which are state of the art and highly reliable. And besides the basic features, Barber Colman controllers and thermostats also allow for failure detection, auto tune, quick start, and automated help features.

The importance of a properly functioning and full featured controller in an HVAC system cannot be undermined. After all, of what use are the best and most expensive heater and air conditioning components if control and performance diagnosis is difficult?

The Role of Dampers in HVAC Systems

Efficiently producing warm or cold air is one thing, proper distribution is another. This is the role which dampers play in HVAC systems. In the household setting, this is more significant in centralized systems. However, this is the common arrangement in office and commercial setups.

Dampers regulate the airflow within a duct. This may be done manually or it may be automated. Automatic dampers make use of electric or pneumatic motors, the actions of which are dependent on the HVAC control system settings. Of course, these damper motors will have to be reliable, which is the case with barber colman damper motors. After all, the reliability of the system is as good as its weakest part. This means that all elements included in the system will have to function efficiently.

Sourcing Quality HVAC Components

Whether or not you have a maintenance contractor for your HVAC system, it is best that you have a means of sourcing quality parts. If you have a contractor providing you with service and parts, it allows you to check the reasonableness of the amount they charge for the latter. In the event that you do in-house maintenance, this gives you the chance of getting the best prices for these items.

To make the sourcing simple, you should know the part numbers of the items in question.This will lessen the chances of incompatibility, and at the same time make it easier for the supplier to give you a quote. In the event that you are not aware of the part number(s), there are suppliers which provide assistance in sourcing an appropriate replacement.

For fast and convenient sourcing of parts, an online search is advised. There are websites catering specifically to heating and air conditioning parts, and many have online catalogues which you can refer to. They are likely to have the particular Barber Colman damper motor or Barber Colman controller you are looking for. Some of these sites even provide the service of HVAC experts for buyers who do not know the part number or the actual technical description of the item they intend to purchase.

Article Source : Barber Colman Control Boxes_77563.aspx

Author Resource : is a site on heating and air conditioning parts particularly barber colman control box. It also provides links to other HVAC parts like Barber Colman damper motors.

Keywords : barber colman damper motors, barber colman control box,

Category : Business : Business

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