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HP2-K27, HP P6000 EVA Solutions Exam Credentials

Posted On : Jan-15-2015 | seen (523) times | Article Word Count : 514 |

Supporting and Servicing HP P6000 EVA Solutions exam is taken by the professionals that are a part of IT world relating to HP, the exam covers approximately forty questions to be analyzed carefully, the passing level in this exam is seventy percent which is necessary to get to get credentials which is HP Technical Certified II - P6000 EVA Disk Array [2012].
HP2-K27, Supporting and Servicing HP P6000 EVA Solutions exam is taken by the professionals that are a part of IT world relating to HP, the exam covers approximately forty questions to be analyzed carefully, the passing level in this exam is seventy percent which is necessary to get to get credentials which is HP Technical Certified II - P6000 EVA Disk Array [2012]. The help of a supporting course is recommended to be taken which are 00422254 - Implementing HP P6000 Enterprise Virtual Array Service and Support, Rev. 11.41.

HP2-K27, Supporting and Servicing HP P6000 EVA Solutions certification exam topics under validation are given for the candidates that take this exam,
Thirteen percent is for General Concepts and Knowledge, ten percent is for P6000 EVA and the Management Module, seven percent is for M6612/M6625 Disk Drive Enclosures, ten percent is for Power and Cabling, ten percent is for Management Hardware and Software, ten percent is for SSSU, fifteen percent is for Storage System Configuration and Startup, ten percent in the exam is for Event Reporting and fifteen percent is for Diagnostics, Troubleshooting, and Best Practices.

Before taking the HP2-K27, Supporting and Servicing HP P6000 EVA Solutions exam, applicants need to have some recommended training and knowledge which includes, Storage Basics for Better TCE, Storage Change Management, Storage Technologies Web-Based Training, HP Storage Works Full-Line Technical and Introduction to Storage Area Networks Computer-Based Training (WBT).

HP2-K27, Supporting and Servicing HP P6000 EVA Solutions exam includes the knowledge of following topics that are HSV340/HSV360 Controller, Management Module, M6612/M6625 Disk Drive Enclosure, Cabling and Configurations, Configuration with P6000 Smart Start, P6000 Command View Description, Storage Configuration with P6000 Command View, Host Configuration with P6000 Command View, Storage Monitoring with P6000 Command View, Storage System Scripting Utility, Event Reporting and Notification and Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.

HP2-K27, Supporting and Servicing HP P6000 EVA Solutions course objectives are given to the students that after passing the exam, candidates will be able to Identify the physical, management, and interconnect functions of the HSV controllers, Management Module, disk drive enclosures, and SAS drives, Locate EVA storage system hardware, and set up and operate components of the HSV controller and disk drive enclosure, the Management Module and its web-based OCP (WOCP) to access storage system management functions, Describe the rack models, configure storage and hosts for the P6000 EVA, Identify the features and functions of HP P6000 Command View, Describe how to configure and monitor storage and hosts with HP P6000 Command View, HP P6000 Command View to configure and monitor storage and hosts, Describe best practices for configuring the EVA with optimization for availability, performance, or cost, Identify features and functions of the Storage System Scripting Utility (SSSU) and use the utility to configure storage and hosts, Describe the event reporting and notification mechanisms used to support the EVA, Describe basic and advanced diagnostic sources and how to use those tools to troubleshoot the EVA and Identify customer self-repair (CSR) components and follow procedures to remove and replace components.

Article Source :, HP P6000 EVA Solutions Exam Credentials_310708.aspx

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