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Posted On : Apr-21-2011 | seen (446) times | Article Word Count : 446 |

If the 2011 Budget made one thing clear, it’s that the outlook for the UK economy remains bleak – and for consumers struggling to make ends meet it’s arguably more important than ever to take advantage of a discount code.
If the 2011 Budget made one thing clear, it’s that the outlook for the UK economy remains bleak – and for consumers struggling to make ends meet it’s arguably more important than ever to take advantage of a discount code.

Support for low earners

Chancellor George Osborne did offer some good news for low earners after announcing that personal tax allowances will rise by £630 to £8,105 in April, 2012. It will be the second increase in the space of 12 months with the allowance to increase to £7,475 in April, 2011.

There was support for first time buyers too. Those attempting to get on the property ladder for the first time will be encouraged by the government’s shared equity scheme; while those struggling to meet mortgage payments now will benefit from another year of the Support for Mortgage Interest Scheme.

Perhaps the biggest boost for the general public however, was the news that fuel duty will be cut by 1p per litre and that the next planned inflation linked fuel duty rises have been postponed until 2012.

Fighting back

Alongside the good, there was certainly some news that was harder to take, such as tobacco duty rising two per cent above the rate of inflation; and alcohol duty rises in the form of 4p extra on a pint, 15p on a bottle of wine and 54p on a bottle of spirits.

Thankfully however, discount codes can help counter these increases:

- Drinks and tobacco: Most supermarket chains – including Asda, Tesco and Sainsbury’s – regularly publish discount codes often including money off groceries including alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. Specialist companies such as the Guinness Webstore also offer discount codes.

- Fuel duty: Though increases may have been avoided in this budget, petrol prices are still at a record high. However, by taking advantage of car insurance discount codes you could potentially bring down the cost of your motoring. There may also be voucher codes available for breakdown services and car hire.

- Personal finance: Discount codes can’t bring your taxes down, but you can use them to help bring your personal finances into check. It’s important to shop around regularly for quotes on broadband, mobile phones, TV and energy bills using comparison websites to ensure you’re on the most competitive tariffs. Now with discount codes these deals could potentially become even cheaper.

The key is to give yourself a financial health check and attempt to reduce your outgoings. A discount code can help but make sure you use them intelligently on products you planned to purchase anyway.


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