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Growing Popularity Of Cosmetic Surgery

Posted On : Mar-25-2011 | seen (328) times | Article Word Count : 547 |

Cosmetic surgery is now more popular than ever with lifestyle magazines, reality TV shows and even health channels extolling the benefits of aesthetic surgery.
Cosmetic surgery is now more popular than ever with lifestyle magazines, reality TV shows and even health channels extolling the benefits of aesthetic surgery. With increased public awareness and the availability of more affordable procedures, surgical cosmetic treatments are no longer an exclusive privilege of the rich and the famous.

What Is Cosmetic Surgery?

Though the terms are often used interchangeably, cosmetic surgery is in fact a sub-specialization of plastic surgery. The latter is a broad medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function.

Cosmetic or aesthetic surgery refers specifically to techniques intended for the enhancement of appearance through surgical and medical means. It focuses on maintaining, restoring or enhancing a person's normal appearance to suit a particular aesthetic ideal. Cosmetic procedures include both non-surgical procedures such as botox and surgical treatments such as breast augmentation. Popular procedures include breast augmentation and face lifts for women and liposuction and breast reduction for men.

The Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery

With the rise of celebrity culture, a pleasing appearance has increasingly become an asset in today's world and even a requirement, particularly in the entertainment and the hospitality industries.

Most people tend to be drawn to those who have a good physical appearance. Bosses, customers, clients and even friends are often more impressed by a pleasing appearance. Beauty is generally equated with popularity and greater self-worth, especially among the younger generation and often older people find themselves sidelined or ignored because of this.

Linia Cosmetic Surgery offers procedures which benefit people both physically and psychologically, helping them improve their appearance and gain greater self-confidence. This is especially true if patients have a condition that leaves them feeling self conscious or ill at ease in the company of others. Many plastic surgery procedures also have the added advantage of leaving you looking younger and healthier.

Are There Any Risks?

Any kind of surgical procedure can be harmful under certain circumstance and cosmetic surgery is no exception. For example, blood clots, infection, bleeding and scarring are common side effects of cosmetic surgery. The chances of such occurrences however depend greatly on the client's general health level. If the patient is not in perfect health, then, naturally there will be a greater probability of complications during surgery.

Obesity, malnourishment, low body weight and having a history of heart disease can all lead to complications. Similarly, heavy smokers are at greater risk when compared to non-smokers. It is always advisable to inform the surgeon about any medication that you may be taking.

A lot depends on each individual's physiological makeup. For example, people belonging to ethnic minorities with a darker skin tone tend to be prone to thicker, raised scars or 'keloid' tissue. Cosmetic surgery clinics make it a point to address such concerns with the right post-operative care. This is why choosing the right cosmetic surgeon is extremely important.

A much more significant risk is the chance of being taken for a ride by an unlicensed surgeon or surgeons who do not specialize in cosmetic surgery. Surgery, especially cosmetic procedures are highly lucrative and the chance of making a quick fortune can prove tempting to the unscrupulous.

Article Source : Popularity Of Cosmetic Surgery_57232.aspx

Author Resource :
Linia Cosmetic Surgery is one of the top cosmetic surgery providers in UK, combining affordable cosmetic surgery with state-of-the-art facilities and in-depth post-operative care. Call now for a free consultation.

Keywords : cosmetic surgery, cosmetic surgeon, surgery, cosmetic,

Category : Health and Fitness : Beauty

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