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Grilling with Bourbon Madagascar Vanilla Beans

Posted On : Dec-28-2011 | seen (1229) times | Article Word Count : 686 |

Actually, it either belongs in the back of the cupboard or in the trash, as pure vanilla extract from the grocery store is often synthetic, both in taste and in the way that it smells.
Although you certainly do have many options when it comes to cooking at home, one that is a favorite for many people is cooking on the grill. There is just something about the fact that you are cooking over fire, which can make a meal rather special. That isn't even to mention the fact that when it is done properly, it adds a flavor to the meal that is unattainable when you are cooking on the stove top or in the oven. If you spend a little bit of time learning about how to grill, you will likely find that you can do almost anything on the grill that is possible to be done inside. Some of the favorites, however, can be accentuated with the addition of vanilla beans, and in particular, bourbon Madagascar vanilla beans. Why should you consider adding these to your meal, and what type of grilling can you do with these unique items?

Most of us are familiar with vanilla beans, but more than likely, it is just because we have some pure vanilla extract that we purchased from the grocery store. If you make pastries throughout the year, it is likely that you had to purchase some vanilla extract to use in the recipe, and the left over is usually pushed to the back of the cupboard. Actually, it either belongs in the back of the cupboard or in the trash, as pure vanilla extract from the grocery store is often synthetic, both in taste and in the way that it smells. Authentic vanilla extract, on the other hand, which is made by bourbon Madagascar vanilla beans, is going to give you not only the authentic flavor that you are looking for, but it is going to be a healthy alternative to the chemicals that are typically purchased locally.

One of the favorites for using vanilla extract, or some other form of vanilla beans, is going to be in a barbecue sauce. For example, if you were going to make some wings for your family or friends, it is a good idea for you to mix up your own barbecue sauce and then to secretly add some vanilla beans, either in the form of extract or perhaps vanilla paste or vanilla powder in order to give it a unique flavor. Perhaps you can do this along with a little bit of hot sauce and a unique barbecue sauce that is your favorite. The mixing of these flavors is not only going to smell fantastic when you are cooking it, it is going to make those wings disappear off of the plate in no time at all.

Many people also barbecue chicken, beef, fish, and even lamb without the use of barbecue sauce. They tenderize the meat if at all possible, or if it is necessary, and then they may marinate it in some way or another in order to get some additional flavoring to the food that they are cooking. Although many people may get rather fancy with their marinades, it's often a good idea for you to keep things rather simple. A little bit of salt, pepper, some Italian seasonings, fresh lime, and some bourbon Madagascar vanilla beans to freshen up the flavor are all that is typically needed. If you have some authentic vanilla extract, that is ideal for doing this, although you can also use vanilla powder for this purpose as well.

Finally, the grill is an ideal way for you to cook your vegetables so that they are a crowd favorite. Have you ever tried grilled asparagus or onions with peppers? They are fantastic when they are prepared properly. Although you can certainly do these without any additional flavoring at all, adding a little bit of vanilla powder to the vegetables is really going to bring out the flavor. Just keep in mind, you are not trying to overpower the flavor of the vegetables with the vanilla beans, you simply want to accentuate the flavor and to make people wonder, why are these so much better than what I make at home?

Article Source : with Bourbon Madagascar Vanilla Beans_125722.aspx

Author Resource :
Looking for Authentic Italian Recipes and Gourmet Italian Food? Check Olive Nation for healthy foods for you and your family. Sarah Neil enthuastic about recipes feature vanilla. Check out these fabulous Authentic Italian Reciepies to make using vanilla beans.

Keywords : Bourbon Madagascar Vanilla Beans, Vanilla Beans, Vanilla Paste, Vanilla Extract, Pure Vanilla Extract, Vanilla Powder, Authen,

Category : Food and Beverage : Recipes

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