Great Side Gigs to Earn Extra Cash
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We all face tough times financially. You know how it is; you get your paycheck and pay your rent and monthly bills, only to find out that you’re left with another crummy amount not even worthy of saving because you still have to eat today and next day and so on.
We all face tough times financially. You know how it is; you get your paycheck and pay your rent and monthly bills, only to find out that you’re left with another crummy amount not even worthy of saving because you still have to eat today and next day and so on. So how do you get out of this pothole? One way to do it easily is to take one or two side gigs. They aren’t the greatest money-making options out there, but they’re really simple and practical, plus you can earn a substantial amount if you play your cards right. Here are the top 10 side gigs you may want to check out.
Buy and Sell on eBay
Why not? It’s easy, absolutely not time consuming, and you can do it at the office. What you do is buy in groups or packaged deals, and sell them individually. For instance, within just a few minutes you can find a lot of people selling a Playstation 2 set, complete with controllers and games for a really bargain price. Then you purchase it and sell the parts individually for a significantly larger price.
Partake in medical trials
Pharmaceutical companies always come up with new drugs to bring to the market. But before they do that, they need to have their drugs tested first. This is where you come in. If you’re brave enough to agree to be tested out with a certain new drug, you can receive up to $3,000 per study. Of course there may be side effects upon taking unfamiliar drugs, which is why this is not advisable to those with violent allergies. But if you’re not one of those people, you’re lying on a bed while being observed for at most an hour, and then getting paid huge money, is not bad. Not bad at all.
Join a focus group
Companies in charge of manufacturing products conduct their research in many ways. One way is to gather a focused group to discuss the products and give each member’s opinions and ideas about the products. For an hour of your time spent on talking and sharing opinions, you can expect a compensation of around $50. There are plenty of these happening everyday. If you’re able to find several focus groups in a week, you’re in for a lot of easy money.
Be a sperm donor
It’s a fact that there are a lot of couples who can never have children due to guy being infertile. This is where you can do your good deed. Simply go over to your local sperm donor center, and apply yourself as a donor. Once you get accepted, you can expect a pay of $100 per sample, plus $400 if you don’t mind exposing your identity to potential takers.
Write a blog
This is another gig you can easily do while at the office. Some websites such as pay good money for simply writing about anything under the sun. If you already have a MySpace blog or any other blog for that matter, you’re already halfway there. Further, if you join blog competitions and win, you can make an easy $100 or more for only 30 minutes of your time.
Article Source : Side Gigs to Earn Extra Cash_1607.aspx
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