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Great Looking but Affordable High School Souvenir Programs

Posted On : Jul-15-2011 | seen (238) times | Article Word Count : 578 |

Below are some thrift ideas that you could employ to make these booklets cost-effective for their graduates and their parents.
Graduation souvenir programs are really expected by many graduating seniors and their parents. Most of the time, the program is where they learn that their child has academic honors or has earned a special award. But having booklet printing for graduation souvenir programs can mean extra expense for cash-strapped parents who have already spent so much for their children’s needs throughout the year. So if you are tasked to handle the production of the souvenir programs, below are some thrift ideas that you could employ to make these booklets cost-effective for their graduates and their parents. After all, they still have college or university expenses to think of.

Bundle printing
Most likely, the graduating batch will opt to have their yearbooks printed. After all, that will be their memorabilia of their high school life. It contains photos of all their classmates, including their crushes. They will use this like an autograph book and get everyone to sign up in their yearbook. This piece of book then becomes a personal thing.

Most parents are willing to spend for nice yearbooks for their children, but they would really appreciate it if they can get their souvenir program at so much less. So talk to your printer about this. More often than not, they will give you a good price with the printing of the souvenir programs because of the bulk printing job that they are getting for the yearbook. If your requirements are not too much for the program, they might even give it to you for free as a token of goodwill. This will be dependent on how many copies of the yearbook you ordered from them. The most that you could get is a good discounted rated.

Printing in school
If the discounted rate is still too much for the parents, you can opt to print the program in school using school equipment. But the parents will have to contribute for the materials. The booklets will still serve their purpose but at least they do not cost much. For example, schools most likely have a mimeographing machine that is used to print test papers. But whereas newsprint is commonly used for test papers, you can use white paper so that the inside pages are more presentable.

As for the cover, you can use a stock card so that it is thick. Then have one of your artistic students design the front and back covers. Use the school’s colored printer to print the covers so that they will look presentable. The parents will then have to contribute for the expenses incurred in printing, including the master copy, the paper, ink, and the labor of whoever did the printing. A love gift would not be too much.

Smaller size
Another option for you to save on your souvenir programs is to print it in a smaller size. Whereas most souvenir programs take the size of a short bond paper, you can opt to have it the size of a half bond paper. That way, there are no extra blank spaces.

You can adopt any of these ideas to bring down the cost of your booklet printing. Most people are not really concerned about how these booklets look as long as their children’s names are in there. And after all, they have college tuition and boarding house down payment to think of more than the souvenir programs.

Article Source : Looking but Affordable High School Souvenir Programs_66682.aspx

Author Resource :
Vicky Russell spent 5 years guiding businesses to get new customers and increase sales. To find more low-cost marketing materials and wise ideas about professional printing services, visit online booklet printing, and find out the best and cost effective way to make your engaging booklets.

Keywords : booklets, booklet printing, print booklets,

Category : Business : Advertising

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