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Government Mortgage Assistance: Beneficial For Homeowners And Lenders

Posted On : Aug-24-2010 | seen (254) times | Article Word Count : 553 |

Government Mortgage Assistance programs have been introduced by the Obama administration to help homeowners to avoid foreclosures if they are unable to pay back their home loans due to recession.
Government Mortgage Assistance programs have been introduced by the Obama administration to help homeowners to avoid foreclosures if they are unable to pay back their home loans due to recession. This is specially designed to help people modify their existing loans and refinance their homes.


These programs are equally beneficial for both homeowners and lenders. If you are facing problems in repaying your monthly mortgage amount for the reason of being out of job, or having a cut down in your salary due to recession, then you can work with your lender to get the terms changed under this program. The mortgage duration can be increased, and the amount to be paid as monthly installment can be decreased. This way you'll be able to save your house from foreclosure. But, your decreased payment will continue till next five years. After that, it will increase up to the same amount.

Government Mortgage Assistance programs are beneficial to lenders also. They don't have to go through the hectic foreclosure process. Not only this, they also qualify for incentive payments for each loan they modify.

These programs also assist those people who can pay their monthly mortgage installments, but are unable to refinance their homes. If the value of your home has gone down and you're facing problems in refinancing your home, try to get help under mortgage refinance option.

How To Avail?

This is specially designed for those people who don't have equity, or have negative equity for to get their loans refinanced. But, you can't avail this facility if your home value has gone exceptionally low.

Those who want to avail this option should have at least 20 percent equity, and your loan should be owned by either Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. The eligibility criteria to qualify the refinancing option are that you must be paying your monthly mortgage payments continuously, and your mortgage shouldn't be more than $417,000. If you're residing in a city with higher real estate value, you are eligible for refinancing option even if your mortgage exceeds $417,000.

The above two options are available only if you are able to show that you are facing hardships in repaying the loan. The other assurance which is required to avail these facilities is that you will be able to earn your livelihood within next two years and start paying the installments.

The Government Mortgage Assistance programs also assist first time home buyers, renters, and those who can't afford quality housing. A 30-year fixed mortgage loan is provided to them at a flat interest rate lower than the current market rate. To get help under this option, you need to show that you are able to repay monthly mortgage installments.

These programs have come up as a relief to homeowners as well as lenders. Lenders are paid incentives to modify each loan. If they make the home loan available to the borrowers at a lower interest rate than the market rates, they are eligible to get incentives under this scheme.

Government Mortgage Assistance programs have helped a million of families in protecting their houses from being foreclosed. They offer a variety of programs that are helpful for every buyer and lender.

Article Source : Mortgage Assistance: Beneficial For Homeowners And Lenders_30428.aspx

Author Resource :
Government mortgage assistance program, introduced by Obama administration, are an aid to all those who are facing problems in repaying back their loans because of slashed salary or employment due to recession.

Keywords : government mortgage assistance, mortgage, loans,

Category : Finance : Finance

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