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Dr. Lee Mikal has 146 Published Articles

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Gout Symptoms and Some Natural Gout Remedies

Posted On : Jun-11-2010 | seen (244) times | Article Word Count : 565 |

Gout is one of the form of arthritis or joint irritation. Usually one or two joints are affected at a time. Commonly joints of foot and ankles are reddened in gout. The commonest site is the ball of the big toe. The first attack of gout subside in a week or so with no treatment. There may be a long gap of many months or years between attack
Gout is one of the form of arthritis or joint irritation. Usually one or two joints are affected at a time. Commonly joints of foot and ankles are reddened in gout. The commonest site is the ball of the big toe.

The first attack of gout subside in a week or so with no treatment. There may be a long gap of many months or years between attack

Gout has the unique dissimilarity of being one of the most regularly record medical illnesses all the way through history.

It is often related to an present at birth anomaly in the body's ability to development uric acid.

Causes of Gout

There are many reasons that can cause the gout. Gout could be inherited i.e. it may run in families.

You are prone to have this disease if your parents or forefathers had it. One can get gout if he or she overweighs.

Certain other circumstances such as hypertension, hypothyroidism can also cause the gouty evils in the body.

Some of the kidney disorder can also cause gout, chiefly when the kidney is not functioning well and is unable to filter the blood from uric acid and to emit it out in urine.

Gout Symptoms

1. The skin around an exaggerated joint is red, shiny and painful to touch - a common gout symptom

2. Moving the exaggerated limb/s becomes painful.

3. Chronic gout can lead to decrease kidney purpose and kidney stones.

Treatment of Gout

1. Take medication as prescribed.

2. While a joint is hot and swollen, you may want to use a cane or similar support to keep your weight off that joint.

3. It may be obliging to keep the swollen joint eminent above your chest as much as possible.

4. Ice packs can be helpful in relieve pain and plummeting inflammation.

5. Maintaining adequate hydration is key for minimize attacks.

Home Remedies for Gout

1. Purine foods – limit the intake of purine rich foods which comprise spinach, lentils, peas, meat, organ meats, asparagus, yeast and shellfish. This is a good gout remedy.

2. More low-fat dairy products can be selected for proteins.

3. Emphasize on more multifaceted carbohydrates like whole cereals, grains and its products.

4. Drink a lot of fluids, this will help to dilute and redden out the uric acid from the body. This is a good home remedy for gout.

5. Avoid alcohol totally for home remedy gout as alcohol can slow down the uric acid secretion from the body.

6. Another natural remedy for gout is eating oranges or drinking a full glass of water with some lime squeezed in it, vitamin C present in these foods helps in gout.

7. Certain foods and vitamins like coffee, vitamin C, cherries and additional dark colored fruits like purple grapes, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries can help to reduce the uric acid levels in the body and can prove good remedies for the gout.

8. But before including any food or vitamin C supplement in your diet talk to your specialist for an endorsement.

9. Soak a piece of white flannel cloth in warm castor oil and place it over the affected areas. Wrap it with plastic and be relevant heating pads. This is one of the important home remedies for gout.

Article Source : Symptoms and Some Natural Gout Remedies_21790.aspx

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Read more on Home Remedies for Gout and Home Remedies for Toothache and Tuberculosis Symptoms

Keywords : symptoms gout, gout diet, gout causes, gout foods, gout treatment, the gout, gout pain, foot gout, gout remedies,

Category : Health and Fitness : Health and Fitness

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