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Mike Hasson has 7 Published Articles

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Get you Firearm License with help from Brandon Maddox

Posted On : Oct-06-2010 | seen (673) times | Article Word Count : 433 |

Applying for a firearm license? Brandon Maddox is the man for you. Having obtained both an FFL license and an FFL Class 3 (SOT), this is the right man to contact for advice when applying for that firearm license.
Applying for a firearm license? Brandon Maddox is the man for you. Having obtained both an FFL license and an FFL Class 3 (SOT), this is the right man to contact for advice when applying for that firearm license.

There are three main Federal Firearm License (FFL) Special Occupational Tax (SOT) Classes. FFL Class 1 is for importers of National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms. For this you require an importer FFL. The second category is the FFL Class 2 which is for manufacturers and dealers of NFA firearms. This requires a manufacturer FFL. FFL Class 3 is for a dealer of NFA firearms. Here one requires a dealer or manufacturers FFL. As one is applying for a firearm license, one needs to keep in mind the level at which he/she wants to enter the firearms industry.

Having been in the industry for over 10 years, Brandon Maddox has enough experience to guide you through the process of obtaining a firearm license. It is not enough to contact a corporation or fly-by-night firearms dealer as this might lead to you losing your money or you purchasing documentation that you ought to obtain for free! With the personal touch that you will get by dealing with Brandon, the whole process of obtaining your firearm license becomes much easier. He is the ideal FFL locator for you having being in the industry for such a long time.

For the FFL Class 3 (SOT), Brandon’s kits enlighten you on what to expect as you go about the business of obtaining your firearm license. Such issues as what to expect during the firearms license application process, insight on the sale of various firearm types, forms required for the application of an FFL Class 3 and other authorisation forms among other things are included here.

In the event that Brandon’s kits don’t aid you in passing your application for your firearm license, he offers a 150% money back guarantee! You are probably thinking what the catch is. There is no catch. With a 100% success rate, Brandon is so sure of his kits that he can afford to take the risk. In essence it is no risk as you are guaranteed to pass the firearm license application and therefore he won’t have to give back the money with 50% extra.

Having both an FFL license and an FFL Class 3 license, and having been in the game for so long, there is little if any that Brandon cannot advice you on when you are applying for you firearms license.

Article Source : you Firearm License with help from Brandon Maddox_36478.aspx

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For more information about FFL Class 3 please visit

Keywords : FFL Class 3,

Category : Recreation and Sports : Recreation and Sports

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