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Get sturdy mold-free roofs with the aid of roofing contractors south florida

Posted On : Jan-26-2012 | seen (246) times | Article Word Count : 405 |

Having a strong house roof to protect and shelter you from all type of weather conditions is necessary. By building a house with a strong foundation but weak roof, you will only be inviting trouble. House roofs usually bear the brunt of bad weather like storm, rain and hail stones.
Roofing is one of the most important elements of building a home. Aside from the foundation which is the basis of any structure, a roof provides necessary shelter from natural elements like wind, hail, rain and the sun. During natural disasters, one of the first parts of a house to get damaged is the roof followed by the walls. It’s important, then, that proper care be given when selecting roofing materials and during construction.

Your best bet to preventing growth like mold and algae is to select metal as your roofing material. As it doesn’t absorb water, it is resistant to dampness which is conducive for the growth of mold. If you’re living in or around Miami, you can avail of the services of a south florida roofing contractor to find suitable metal roofing for your home. He may also be able to give you tips on how to maintain your roof.

If you can’t afford to call Roofing contractors south florida to help you finding the right roofing material to keep away mold or if you already have algae and mold growing on your rooftop, there are a few tips you can follow to deal with the problem yourself.

Finding the right roofing material

You can mix three parts of water with one part of bleach and use the solution on the moldy areas. Use a pump spray (preferably hand-held) for the purpose.

Rinse off after 15 minutes as the soaked solution would have removed the mold by then. Run your hands over the washed area and if it feels slimy to the touch, spray the solution again, leave for another 10 minutes and rinse.

Never leave bleach solutions unwashed. They may corrode the roof and cost you a bundle to replace. Spray off the areas thoroughly.

If you have plants and shrubs growing near your home, spray them water too in case they’ve been splattered with the bleach solution.

You can also prevent the growth of mold, algae and mildew by letting the sun hit large areas of your roof. Trim overhanging branches and leaves. There are also commercial products available in the market which you can use every year to prevent mold and keep your roof clean and dry. If you’re not up to the task, you may just be able to get a south florida roofing contractor to do the job for you.

Article Source : sturdy mold-free roofs with the aid of roofing contractors south florida_139446.aspx

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Keywords : south florida roofing contractor, roofing contractors south florida,

Category : Home and Family : Home Improvement

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