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Get Natural And Healthy Life Through Counseling And Therapy

Posted On : Dec-16-2011 | seen (203) times | Article Word Count : 502 |

Counseling and therapy give such solutions which medicines cannot give.
In our daily life, most of the people ignore their mental problems. They do not understand that these types of mental disturbance can create problems like sex addiction, anxiety, depression and non involvement in marriage relation etc. These kinds of work pressures and mental pressures mainly affect the relationships between the couples. So, everyone must take care of these problems otherwise they become harmful and can also break good relationships. Anxiety and depression can cause non production of neurotransmitters that gives good feelings to body and brain. So, in these cases the only way of getting solution is therapy and counseling. There are many such therapists and several healthcare organizations that are experts and provide such solution which can make the life of several people better. Here, the most important is couples therapy; it is the best way to identify the problems arises between couples, which can also cause problems in their relationships.

There are many factors which can influence couples relationships and can also cause problems between them, such factors may be internal or external or may be both. Some of the internal factors are – abuse of alcohol or drugs, sexual dissatisfaction, illness etc. and some of the external factors are – frequent job changes, problem in office, problem in community etc. Professional therapists provide such couples therapy and couples counseling which not only help in working through problems but also it enhances relationships and opens up scope for communication. Relationship counseling and marriage counseling are very much beneficial for the couples who have problems in their married life because the counselors have the capability of understanding the problems of the patient and suggest solution which are purely natural and can cure them. Some people cannot understand when they have to consult a therapist or counselor, they take medicines but ultimately they proved to be worthless. Apart from couples therapy and counseling professional therapists also provide many other counseling programs such as sex addiction counseling, porn counseling etc.

Today most of marital problems arise because of porn addiction. In a meeting of American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers in 2003 most of the divorce lawyers who attended said that internet plays a key role in the divorce in the past years with excessive interest in online porn contributing to most of such cases. He chose to be with you and loves you and also genuinely promises to try to overcome the porn addiction but again goes back to looking at porn on the internet again because it is an addiction and he is not in control. Most of the therapists and counselors identify that people who view pornography and act out sexually because after doing so they feel good. But like heroin and drugs this behavior creates large amount of dopamine and when drugs disappear and dopamine is no longer produce artificially and the ultimate result is depression, anxiety, emptiness, loneliness etc. The therapists suggest walking in nature, eating healthy, have nurturing and caring emotional relationships.

Article Source : Natural And Healthy Life Through Counseling And Therapy_119918.aspx

Author Resource :
Renew Your Passion provides varieties of counseling and therapy treatments. Christopher Diggins is a licensed practitioner in Washington State and famously known for couples therapy . He is a renowned counselor of couples counseling and also a healthcare provider expertise in marriage counseling .

Keywords : couples therapy, couples counseling, marriage counseling,

Category : Business : Business

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