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Get coupons from many different sources

Posted On : Jul-28-2011 | seen (295) times | Article Word Count : 678 |

I came upon some websites that "peak my interest". There, I read about a totally different approach to couponing, and I was hooked. Now, I get my coupons from many different sources. Each week, I buy at least 4 local papers on Saturday. Then, on Sunday morning my Sunday paper is delivered with coupons. Occasionally, there are a few more coupons in the Sunday paper than in the Saturday. Depending on the difference, I will go and buy any wher
I came upon some websites that "peak my interest". There, I read about a totally different approach to couponing, and I was hooked. Now, I get my coupons from many different sources. Each week, I buy at least 4 local papers on Saturday. Then, on Sunday morning my Sunday paper is delivered with coupons.

Occasionally, there are a few more coupons in the Sunday paper than in the Saturday. Depending on the difference, I will go and buy any where from 5 to 7 more papers at a store. This doing, I end up with at least 10 of every coupon in the weekly inserts.

That may sound like a lot to some of you, but when you start stockpiling and buying in bulk, it really helps. I still get a lot of coupons from various coupon printing web pages. And, lastly, I get on company's email lists and receive coupons through the mail and email.

Organizing coupons has been a 'work in progress'. I have used several different methods before settling on the system I currently use. My first method was simply an envelope with a few manufacturers' coupons in it for items I knew I would purchase. I clipped very few coupons then, so this system seemed to work. They were not in any particular order and usually expired before I remembered to use them.

Next, I got a little more serious about couponing. I bought a small coupon organizer with dividers in it to separate the coupons into various groups. At this point, I was cutting more coupons than before, and this system seemed sufficient.

After this, I realized that the small holder was becoming so packed that it was hard to flip through the coupons to find the one that I wanted to use. So, I bought a large plastic shoebox container and some large dividers to again separate the coupons by types.

This system was actually very effective in that I had a lot of room to store the coupons, they were very well organized by groups, and they were protected in a box with lid. However, the downfall for me in this system is that I was cutting so many coupons, even multiple copies of the same coupon, that I got tired of looking through even the divided sections to find the right coupon. Also, I found that I allowed so many coupons to expire because they got lost in the sections.

One of the best ways to maximize your savings is to use a coupon on an item that is also on sale? In fact, to get the most benefit, when a particular item is on sale, you should buy enough of that item with your coupons so that you never buy it at regular store price. This buying philosophy is commonly called "stockpiling" in the coupon world and is a great way to ensure you are getting the best deals.

Another note of caution here, make sure you know your favorite store's coupon policy. They vary a lot even within the same chain. That brings me to my last point here. Don't hesitate to get a rain check for an out of stock item. Some people don't like to get them, but for me, a rain check allows me to buy the item on sale, when I want and when I have the most coupons for that product. The timing is in my hands and I can use it to my advantage.

So, in conclusion, use coupons in conjunction with sale items and you will find you can save a lot of money off your total bill for groceries, health & beauty items, etc. For me, I've regularly saved huge money each month just in coupons!

Article Source : coupons from many different sources_69665.aspx

Author Resource :
Coupon Codes

Keywords : Coupons, Coupon Codes, Promo Codes, Promotional Codes,

Category : Computers : Computers

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